How Do You Undo an Accidental Love Spell?

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I sprinted upstairs to see my attraction bowl, still the same as usual, but the roses were slowly getting darker. I quickly looked up all of the ingredients one by one, just to double check.

Red Roses- Catalyst of spells, Love, Lust, and Purification
Rose Quartz- Healing and Gentle Love
Cinnamon- Lust and Passion
Red Candle- Passion
Clear Quartz- Basically a Power Cell

Shit! That's an aimless love spell!

In a panic I rushed to cleanse the bowl using my rosemary bundle and get another jar from under the bed. I quickly pulled out the crystals, cleansing each one, and poured the cinnamon, candle, and roses in the jar. I sent a quick prayer to anyone who would listen, and sealed the jar with black wax.

I ran back to my truck just as Shanks pulled in. I waved and hopped in the driver's side, trying to turn it on as fast as I could.

"Whoa there, everything okay?" Shanks called out, getting out of his car.

"Yeah! Yeah, um, I just have to run a quick errand! I'll be back in a bit though, so don't worry," I explained vaguely with a shaky grin. The truck finally turned on when I gave it a second to catch. He went to say something else but I was off before he could, driving as calmly as I could through Grand Line City.

I could have sworn I drove past Ace in a red convertible, and I was absolutely sure of it when it started following me. I quickly made a few random turns to shake him off. It worked, but that was weird as hell. It turns out I ended up going where I needed to anyway.

Straight to the the forests of Raftel.

No one ever goes in because of how confusing the paths get but since I practically came here every day when I was younger I knew my way around. I grabbed the jar out of the seat and ran to the nearest path, navigating purely on instinct to where the spring was. Once I caught sight of the clear water I turned sharply to the right and into the more dangerous area.

There was a tree that I always gave offerings to as a kid, and I'd say this is a pretty good offering. It had a small plaque nailed to it that I could never get out and it had some Kanji scrawled across it. Did I know what it said? Nope.

But did I care? Also nope. It was a nice tree and it kept me safe as a kid, so why would I worry about a title. I quickly nestled the jar in the winding, knotted roots.

"Thank you for keeping me safe all those years ago. Please take the extra energy in these spell ingredients for yourself," I whispered with a hand on the trunk.

A rustling of the leaves above me seemed to be my sign that it had accepted, so I bowed respectfully and headed back from where I came.


I let out a sigh as I sat next to the spring, the bubbling water calming my nerves. I took the time to look out over the rushing stream a little bit down the grassy hill. Colorful stones covered the bottom of the basin as bright flowers bloomed around the edges. This place was nearly untouched by people, and it's peace reflected that.

I undid it, so most of it should be fixed by Monday. And no more glamours for a while.

"What are you doing here?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I whipped around, to see Kidd of all people.

"Kidd? I just came here to clear my head. What about you?" I responded quickly, trying not to freak out.

"Same as you, Killer's been driving me up a wall with his new obsession. He said he was going out tonight so I thought I should too." He sat down next to me, unhooking his prosthesis. "I come here to relax a bit when tinkering doesn't work."

I nodded, turning back to the water. He let out a deep sigh and layed back.

"You know, I can't figure you out."


He turned his head to me. "I can read people pretty fuckin well, and you seem like an open book but it's like it's all in code. What's up with that?"

I turned to him and shook my head. "I don't keep much hidden, you just have to look in the right places. And it might just be different because I never really talked much to people other than my brother." I turned back around. "It's all perspective."

He left it at that, turning to the sky.

After a moment I decided to lay with him as I flopped back to watch the clouds pass by. Soon the sky lit up with reds and oranges, dancing with the fluffy white and pale blue. I turned to check on him to find him asleep.

I chuckled lightly, gently patting his chest. He woke up slowly, groaning lightly. "You can't sleep out here like this, silly. It's going to be dark soon."

He nodded groggily before slipping his arm back on. He stood and started heading to the dangerous side so I grabbed his arm.

"What?" he grunted.

"That's the wrong way, c'mon I'll lead you out." He looked at me surprised as we walked out the way I came.

"Thanks," he grumbled as soon as we got to his truck.

"No problem, just do me a favor and don't bring a ton of people there. It's untouched nature makes it special." He nodded and hopped in, leaving without any other form of acknowledgment.

I slipped into the grey cab to find my phone full of notifications. Most of them were from Shanks, worrying about my whereabouts. I shot him a quick text explaining that I was in the forest clearing my head and that I was on my way back as I started the truck up.

The streets were quiet at the later hour, so I got home pretty quick, and I was immediately locked in a tight hug from the red haired man himself.

"Don't do that again! You scared the shit out of me!"

A/n~ Oh no! An accidental love spell?! Also, cute moment with Kidd!

I threw in a small reference to 'Reborn as a Necromancer' by Frustratedwriter_08! I love their story and they've been one of my day one supporters for this book! Definitely go check them out!

DISCLAIMER: Do NOT cast love spells without clear intentions and consent! Please and thank you! ❤️

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