This is the One Where I Cry Again

382 23 14

TW - Mention of heavy topics such as Suicidal Ideation (pls take care of urself ❤️)

I rubbed my face in the slightly scratchy pillow under my head, tugging the stiff and apparently small blanket up to my face. I hummed at the comforting leather smell that came from it before pausing.

I don't have anything that smells like that in my house?

I opened my eyes slowly, shutting them immediately when I was blinded by the bright lights. I tried again to open my eyes. Even if I was more prepared this time I still found myself groaning. I rubbed my eyes and felt the blanket fall from my shoulder and looked around. Except it wasn't a blanket. It was Mr. Thatch's chef jacket.

I heard a soft chuckle from next to me and I turned to see Mr. Thatch himself looking through some papers as he sat on one of the crappy folding chairs that littered the room. I glanced around again in shock. I looked back at him and tilted my head.

"Why-" I cleared my throat and felt my cheeks warm at my crackling morning voice. "Why am I in the teacher's lounge?" I asked, still rough but better than whatever that first try was.

He gave me a gentle smile. "You fell asleep after you finished the first half of your assignment, and when class ended no one had the heart to wake you up so I brought you here," he explained. He placed the papers on the table next to him and I caught sight of his tattoo again, almost forgetting where it nestled above his collar bone and up his neck a little bit. "Sanji turned it in for you, so don't worry about that, but I am worried about you, (Y/n)," he continued when he relaxed back into his seat.

"I'm okay, I-"

He leaned closer and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Miss (Y/n), you've been scattered since you got back from your unexplained week off. I know fine and well you aren't," he said, his accent slowly filtering in.

I blushed before looking down at my hands and sitting up properly. "A lot happened, I'm just trying to get my sh- myself together, and I-" my voice cracked as I felt tears build up in my eyes. "Damnit, I told myself I wasn't gonna cry over this anymore."

Thatch stood up and moved his jacket away so he could sit next to me. I felt his large hand pull my head to his chest and his other hand wrapping around my waist. I didn't resist as a few rebellious tears soaked into his shirt. His calloused fingers threaded through my hair and he held me as I tried to compose myself.

"If you want," his low voice vibrated in his chest as I listened to his soothing heartbeat, "I'm here to listen. You can tell me what happened and I can try to help, or I can just listen."

I nodded into his soft, white undershirt. "Everything has just been going wrong since fall started," I started shakily. "I just- I don't know what's worse. Being all alone and missing out on regular kid things or whatever the fuck I'm going through right now."

I ended up telling him almost everything, from what Shanks did, to what Hendrix did, I mentioned Sabo was supposed to be there with me but he left and Killer had to pick me up, then onto watching my brother die and having to rely on a stranger to get me out of there and home, then that my house was soon going to not be my house anymore, and then pulling all-nighters which led me here. All through my story he rubbed soothing circles into my back. He tensed at certain parts but never pulled away. I ended up gripping onto his shirt when I spoke about Hendrix and Benn, sobbing loudly when I almost told him I was going to let myself die.

He ended up pulling me into his lap, pressing his face into the top of my head as I tried to pull myself together again. We sat in silence as I stared at nothing in particular and realized that I told him things I hadn't told Peng, or Killer, or even really acknowledged myself. The feeling of red hot shame seemed to build as everything settled in and the quiet dragged on.

Then he spoke.

"Darlin', you've been through more than I can even wrap my head around. You are incredibly strong and brave as hell comin' here every day to face those people and you've been balancin' more than any woman your age should," he mumbled into my hair. His hug tightened slightly before he pulled away to look into my eyes with his deep brown ones. "Do you want me to help, or do you need a hug, or do you just need space?"

I shook my head. "Honestly a hug would be good," I laughed sadly. "Thank you for not judging me. But I don't really want help with anything just yet. I'm- I think I just need a break to process and grieve, but I don't think I'll get one for a while."

He pulled me back into his chest, holding my head to his chest gently. His arms engulfed me in a warm hug and I wanted to just stay there forever. It felt like everything would be okay, life moves on, all that bullshit. It was just so frustrating that it wouldn't be right now. I couldn't. Not any time soon. I still had looming threats and scars to heal and shit to handle.

But not in this moment.

Right now all I needed to know was there were at least two people that cared sincerely, and I was being held by the one that smelled like leather and cedar and wore a goofy pompadour with pride. He gave a shit and that was enough for right this second.

"Thank you, Thatch," I whispered.

He ran his hand over my hair again. "Any time, darlin'," he whispered back.

A/n - This action may have consequences...

Things are heating up, but when will it boil over??? Also currently working ahead and oh boy am I excited for y'all to read this stuff... I hope you guys enjoyed this heartwarming bit!

Also made it home safely even if the plane felt like it was going to fall out of the sky a few times (it was bad, I fly all the time bc my fam is all over the place) and I'm gonna do my best to crank out a few more chapters before the Haikyuu hyperfocus kicks in too bad.

Might have a fic for the volleyball bois soon if this gets enough comments lol (I have a few ideas but lmk if y'all are even interested)

Drink some water and have an amazing day/night!

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