Your Little Cheerleader

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Today was a half day for the game, and everyone was decked out in red, gold, and black, even the Vinsmoke trio. The halls were filled with fliers about Homecoming Court and people from the student council taking votes. I snuck through it all and B-lined for my locker.

"(Y/n)! I didn't know you were running for Homecoming queen," Bonney sneered from a few feet away. I turned slowly, trying not to anger her.

Why does she hate me so much lately? I thought Ace was bad.

I cleared my throat quietly. "Last time I checked I wasn't. There must have been a misprint or something," I tried to soothe.

She scoffed. "Don't lie, I saw your face clearly posted on the bulletin board." She leaned close to the wall a few feet away and ripped off a poster. "There's even one right here," she pointed out.

There was indeed a poster of my face, with a surprisingly pretty candid shot of me under the willow. In bold letters it said "WANTED: This years Homecoming Queen! (Y/N) BECKMANN" and it looked like a classic wanted poster. The photo and the style could only point to one person.

Penguin, you dumbass.

"I didn't make those, and I'm not running for Queen, not like anyone would vote for me anyway. I don't really socialize much, if ya haven't noticed," I recounted, hoping to get out of this.

She grumbled under her breath and crumpled the poster, landing it in the garbage. "You better not, that spot is mine," she declared.

Not like I cared much anyway. I wasn't planning on going at all until Shanks insisted. I was just going to be at the game since Sabo asked me to and then go home, but Shanks bought me the dress I had to now. He had also picked out some black heels and a cute crystal hairpin for the outfit, claiming I'd be the "femme fatale" of the night. His way of joking around, I guess.

Thinking of him and his wayward touches yesterday made my red shirt seem a little too tight and my skin a little too warm, so I attempted to shake it off, favoring to focus on getting to class on time.

Why am I thinking of him like this all the sudden?


Classes were light since we only had half classes, so when it was time for the pep rally I was still buzzing about my thoughts earlier. I was tugged along by Perona to our seats in the gym as Principal Donquixote and Vice Principal Corazon, or rather Doffy and Roci, walked up to the podium settled in the center of the room.

After most of the students settled, Doffy began. "Students of Grand Line High! Happy Homecoming! Fufufu~ Today will be our annual game against our rival school, Marineford Academy, and their team, the Marines," he announced.

"Now, as we know, our team has been on a small losing streak," he annunciated with a small irritation, "however, today we will break that string of bad luck! Let's hear it for our beautiful cheerleaders and our pride and joy, The Pirates!"

The cheer squad stepped out, some doing small jumps and waving, and I noticed Vivi, Nami, and Koala all in the ranks. "Oh my gods why didn't you guys tell me! I would have come to more games!" I whispered to Perona.

"Silly (Y/n), they didn't want to butt into your time with your boyfriend," she teased.

I turned to her confused. "What boyfriend?"

She attempted to answer but the football team walked out, making the bleachers break out in cheers. Apparently, I knew the a large chunk of the team. Drake, Kidd, Killer, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Yonji, and Sanji all stepped out with smiles of determination. I faintly knew Franky from Woodworking, and the other three that I mildly recognized were all friends with Kidd and Killer. Heat, a tall guy with blue dreads and a permanently solemn face, Wire, another tall guy with short black hair and a love for sharp things, and Spike, the smallest of the group with a silly personality and a tall mohawk he currently had sprayed red and gold.

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