The Perfect Model

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Marco POV

I set up for my smallest class quietly, rearranging the desks in a semi-circle facing the front. I'm glad I got away with a class so small. Normally, a class of seven would have been scratched or lumped in with another, but I managed to get approval from that damn flamingo. I turned and wrote my name on the board in cursive before grabbing my lesson plan to double check it.

And now we wait...

I didn't wait too long before all seven surprisingly filed in at once. I barely glanced up as they all took their seats, waiting for me. I looked up and made eye contact with each person briefly.

I stood up and walked to the middle of the group while I spoke. "Good afternoon, my name is Marco Horii, but you can all call me Mr. Marco. Now, this is my smallest class, so I want to spend the year working with you individually to work on your personal strengths." I looked at each of them more intently, recognizing Ussop and Vivi from when Luffy brought them over, and Haruta.

Then my eyes landed on a girl with (h/c) hair that I could have sworn I should know. I pulled my chair to the middle and spun to face the other side of the room, planning on her introduction being last.

"Let's go around and introduce ourselves since I'm not as fluent with the students as some teachers. Let's do our names, favorite colors, and what we like to create artistically." I paused, gesturing to myself. "My name is Marco, my favorite color is teal, and I like to paint with oils." I gestured to a blonde girl to continue the circle.

"Oh! My name is Kaya, my favorite color is pastel yellow, and I like to sketch." I nodded and moved to Ussop.

"I'm the great Ussop! My favorite color is orange, and I like to make sculptures from scrap! I also make simple machines in my spare time," he explained. I turned to Vivi.

"I'm Nefertari Vivi, my favorite color is lilac, and I enjoy watercolor painting," she said gracefully. I turned to a pink haired girl.

"My name is Perona, my favorite color is black, and I like making dress designs, so sketching I guess," she introduced. Nodding again, I turned to a red haired girl.

"Hi! My name is Amara Rosen, my favorite color isn't actually a singular color, it's the monochrome red scale, and I like to sculpt with clay."

She's gonna be... something.

She was practically bouncing, so I quickly moved to Haruta.

"I'm Haruta, I like...," he mumbled something softly before continuing, "and I like painting with watercolors." I shook my head, chuckling before turning to the last student. Ms. Mystery.

She smiled before speaking. "My name is (Y/n) Beckmann, my favorite color is (f/c), and I enjoy body art and acrylic painting." Her voice was quiet when she spoke on the body art, but I picked up on it. Surprisingly I was supposed to know her, since she was the girl Shanks never shut up about.

I cleared my throat and grinned at everyone. "Well it's nice to meet you, and I hope we can get along. For our first project, I want everyone to pick something that reminds you of your favorite color and sketch it out. We'll be making it in our preferred mediums next class, so keep that in mind," I instructed, sliding back behind my desk to take attendance.


I tried to watch everyone evenly, but my gaze kept drawing back to (Y/n). Her intense gaze on what she was drawing. The way her hands gripped the pencil. The way she wiped off her eraser scraps. The way she bit her lip in concentration. Every movement she made seemed to fit her perfectly.

Her gaze moved to me, apparently feeling my eyes. I gave her a smile and a quick nod before turning to Haruta. He was also extremely focused, but angrily. I decided to walk up and see if I could help.

"What's wrong Haruta?" I murmured.

He sighed and leaned back, looking up at me. "I can't figure out how to draw this damn tree." I smiled and gestured out the window.

"Look outside, references are everywhere if you look hard enough," I chime. I glanced back at (Y/n), finding her smiling at me. I tilted my head in question and she blushed.

"Sorry," she mumbled with a small smile before going back to drawing. Perona chuckled as she drew her dress design.

I shook my head and sighed as I turned to (Y/n) and looked at her paper. She had sketched out... a blob? I looked up at her as she drew more light lines around the center blob, and added small dots around.

I cleared my throat and she looked up. "Can I ask what that is?" I whispered.

She giggled quietly and smiled softly. "I guess it doesn't look like anything, but it's going to be a supernova galaxy. I couldn't think of anything specific that was (f/c) so I decided to tie it in with the night sky," she whispered back. My eyebrows raised as a small smile graced my face.

"That's quite the solution. I like it." I sent her a wink before glancing over the others and going back to my seat.

Honest, creative, and not to mention with nice proportions...

I shook my head in disbelief at my thoughts and sighed as I looked back at my screen that had an ad for a painting competition I was looking at earlier. It's been years since I entered anything anywhere, and I'm pretty sure I would essentially be anonymous. It's been quite a while since I've had anything to give me inspiration to do something like that anyway.

I looked back at (Y/n), seeing her with her eyes closed, still sketching. Her hair had fallen out of its style a bit, but she still looked picturesque. I grabbed a paper, quickly outlining her concentration. Her lashes, her jawline, the wisps of hair floating above her forehead, then finally her lips.

The first thing I had drawn in over a year, and it came out as well as my best portrait of them.

I've found my new muse.

A/n~ Tada! An OC has been introduced and Marco has entered! I was thinking about it and having a muse is mildly obsessive to begin with, coming from an artist of sorts, and I thought it just made sense for this boi.

(Horii is old Japanese for "Phoenix fruit" or pineapple!)

Marco Horii - Unlocked!

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