Like Its Easy

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Katakuri was kind enough to bring me home, going even as far as giving me his number in case I needed anything. He stressed the anything as I agreed before walking up to my door. The door seemed to be so daunting as his car sped off into the distance.

I mustered up the strength to open the dark door, letting the smell of home fill my senses. Every movement seemed to echo.

It felt so empty.

Just two days ago I was happily walking around the halls, humming and laughing with friends. Now? Every single piece of the rooms felt grey. Lacking in life and color and him.

I walked deeper into what seemed like foreign ground and it seemed to get darker around me. No trace of the midday sun's rays in my vision as I looked at his leather chair, cold and untouched.

I turned to the stairs. It was going to be hard walking up those steps to see his room, but I had something I had to do.

I slowly stepped up the stairs as I tried to ignore the heat behind my eyes. Step by step I slowly felt it sink in again.

He'll never step foot here again.

As I made it to the top after what seemed like an eternity, I glanced between the two rooms that sat across from each other. One mine, the door open and decorated with some fake vines, and the other Benn's, the white door plain and shut tight.

I made a move for Benn's door, pushing through the rule we agreed on to not snoop in each other's spaces. As I opened the stiff door I saw his grey bedspread made and a small envelope with my name on it.

My breath hitched as I shuffled forward, almost trying to prolong the realization that he was expecting this. I opened it, and pulled out the short letter.


If you're reading this, either you broke our rule or I didn't make it back this time. I write this letter every time I head out on a mission and happily burn it when I get back. The main message is, I love you. I knew it from the moment I picked you up at that orphanage, and I'll never take that back. You are a beautiful young woman now, and I trust you to make good decisions for yourself.

Now for the hard part.

You have to move past this. Me, living life under the books, all of it. I already told Shanks as soon as I'm gone you're out. I love you too much to see you fall like I've seen others. That's my last wish, for you to move on.

Find love, live life, grow old with someone, or grow old with yourself. Just live a normal life, for me. Then, when you get up here you can tell me all about it.

Love ya kiddo.


Teardrops stained the paper as I took a deep breath.

My shaky hands gently placed the ring on the nightstand before I slowly climbed into his bed, still filled with the smell of his fancy cologne and cigarettes.

As I fell asleep, swaddled in his scent, only one thought filled my head.

You say that like it's easy.

Mine (Yandere!One Piece x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now