Detention with Mx. Ivankov

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I trudged to room 404, all the way on the second floor. As soon as I opened the door I was hit with the smell of strong, powdery perfume and the sight of a tall, buff man in drag.

"Uhhh... is this Mx. Ivankov's room?" The man turned to me with a large smile.

"Oh! Yes, that would be me! Just call me Iva, though!" He- they? They walked over to me and placed a delicate hand on my shoulder. "Now, what brings you to my room, cutie?"

I let out a shaky smile. "I may have thrown someone into a wall? So detention." They let out a loud laugh, I guess it was a laugh?

This person is just going to confuse me this whole hour, aren't they?

"Well! They must have sent you here because you still have important classes today, yes?"

I nodded. "I have English, PE, Woodworking, and Chem later."

"Perfect!~" they sang.

Their nails got sharper suddenly, and they shoved one into my neck. I let out a small shriek as something was injected. My panicking mind couldn't comprehend my chest shrinking or my height rising.

All I could feel was my veins burning and my vision went dark.


When I woke up, everything felt heavy.

Scratch that, my chest felt light, but my limbs felt heavy. I glanced around the empty class room to see... a female version of Mx. Iva?

"What a handsome man you are! Now, you did miss English, but you should hurry along to your PE class, your teachers are already informed of your punishment," she hummed, handing me a gym bag that wasn't mine.

Handsome man?


I froze at the sound that came out.

That was not my usual voice. A deep and smooth voice fell into the room as I asked, "What did you do?" I raised a hand to my throat in surprise.

They turned to look at me, a smile in their eyes. "I see no one told you of my Devil Fruit. It's the Horu-Horu fruit, I'm a hormone changing human! Your punishment for today is to be a man for your remaining hours at school." I nodded slowly.

Okay, this won't be that bad.

"Thank you for your leniency, Mx. Iva," I said softly before nodding and walking out of the room.

Now to the gym.


I walked into the ever freezing gym before everyone else, going up to a distracted Mr. Dragon. He barely shifted as I set my bag down and hooked my protection charm back on it. I glanced down to inspect the navy that colored where my legs should have been to realize Mx. Iva had changed me into a men's uniform.

That's not weird at all...

I grabbed the gym bag, heading to the men's changing room, only to freeze in front of the door. A host of voices were filtering through the door.


I steeled myself, slipping in quietly. I snuck into a luckily unoccupied stall near the door and quickly changed. After a small debate, I looked into the small mirror on the wall to take in my new appearance.

Sharp (e/c) eyes stared back, (h/l) (h/c) hair still framing my face. I did it like normal for PE, took the surprisingly not too damaged necklace off and gently laying it over my new uniform, slipped into the basket ball shorts while purposely avoiding looking at my new downstairs, and grabbed the loose white t-shirt.

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