Was This a Mistake?

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Friday rolled around pretty quickly, and World History came even faster. Ms. Nico gave out a pop quiz, but I was completely unprepared with how everything was going with Ace and now Shanks was being odd, and I just know I completely bombed it. With a heavy sigh I got up from my seat and headed to my locker.

A note fell out when I opened it, but before I could grab it there was a hand by my head, trapping me in. "Oh? So the nerd gets love letters? Or are they just insults?"

Apparently it's think of the Devil and he shall come.

"Oi Homeschool, I'm talkin to you!" Ace shouted, slamming his hand against the already struggling locker.

"I don't know! I haven't read it yet," I spoke back, mumbling at the end, "dumbass."

He picked it up, a nasty grin on his face. "I'll read it for you, then," he chimed like he was simply offering to help me with homework.

He cleared his throat with a loud "ahem" before reading it in a whiny fake voice. "Dear (Y/n)~ Oh how I wish I could be honest with my 'feelings'." He sneered. "How fucking corny is this shit, wow." By now there was a crowd. I spotted Penguin in the corner, clearly trying to figure out how to get me out.

He quickly got back in character. "I don't know how to say this, but I can't stand to be away from you~ If only I could speak with you without covering my heart in a shield! I do hope one day you forgive me, but for now I will keep my true feelings in writing~ Love, Your Admirer. Heart~"

He looked back down at me with his dark eyes. "Gross. You're just a nobody that showed up out of nowhere." He glared at me before he spoke again. "Don't expect too many of these, since your 'new' allure will fade soon enough," he nearly threatened, throwing the letter on the ground.

I bent and picked it up as he laughed at me, catching the smell of campfire smoke. The same smell that the boy in front of me constantly smelled like.


"Are you done? My friends wanted to meet up, so I kind of need to leave." I spoke calmly.

He chuckled at me. "Oh? What friends?"

"Us." We both turned to see Nami glaring daggers at Ace, Perona with a ghost out, Vivi looking around wildly, hoping for a teacher most likely, and Koala ready to whoop his ass.

"Ohh, so you like her? I'll let you know she'll get boring eventually. She's just a socially awkward nobody after all."

"Hey!" Sabo stormed up ready to explode it seemed. "What the hell did I say?! Don't pick on her, you prick!" Koala seemed to freeze, not quite sure on what to do.

The raven laughed. "I see, you're just trying to get in her pants! So you play the little white knight and swoop her off her feet, well played li'l bro!" The crowd filled with jeers before quieting at the intense aura from down the hall.

"Is there a problem here-yoi?"

"Did I hear someone objectifying one of my students?"

Everyone turned to see Mr. Marco and Mr. Newgate walking down the hall, heavy glares set on Ace and Sabo. They both started sweating bullets at the sight of them. I couldn't place why the pair was so nervous except maybe because they were teachers so I assumed if I just smoothed it over no one would get hurt.

And maybe Ace will leave me alone for a bit.

"(Y/n), would you be a dear and explain what happened?" Mr. Newgate asked. He smiled kindly, but his eyes were still burning holes in the brothers.

I shook my head and smiled. "It wasn't anything big, just a brotherly argument." The alarmed glance that Sabo sent me made me add something on. "I made a comment about how Sabo was nicer, and they started poking at each other."

Shit, I was trying to avoid insulting Ace!

Mr. Marco started laughing. "That sounds like our little brothers-yoi! But what was with the 'getting in her pants' part, Ace-yoi?" Ace started panicking a bit, but I wasn't about to explain after he specifically asked for the raven's input.

"Well, um, I was just, uh... teasing him! I mean it's pretty obvious he likes her," he brushed off.

"As a friend! Apparently you don't understand the concept, Mr. Playboy," Sabo shot back.

"What was that?!" Flames came spurting out of Ace's fist, which led to Sabo mirroring him.

"Enough!" A swift darkness took over their hands and the flames stopped. We all turned to Mr. Newgate. "We don't need the fire alarms to go off, now do we. Settle it with Pops." He then turned to the crowd, "Now go home, nothing to see here!"


After running out of that terrifying moment, Perona was quick to grab my hand. She led us out to the parking lot and we headed to the park nearby. Koala, Nami, and Vivi all sat on a bench so I went to sit in front of them when they squeezed over and pulled me into the mix.

"Okay, so we can all agree that was weird as hell, right?" Nami started.

We all nodded our heads. "Ace isn't usually one to bully either, I don't know what's gotten into him," Vivi spoke softly. Her hands were worrying at the hem of her skirt so Nami layed hers over them.

"And Sabo doesn't burst in like that. He would defend you, don't get me wrong, but he doesn't yell. This is definitely not normal." Koala seemed to be running through all of the possible reasons as to why he would do something like this.

Perona floated closer. "I'm going to say this, but I mean it in the most objective way possible. Either something happened between them during the summer..." She turned to look at me. "Or they're fighting over you."

I froze. "They were all happy and joking with each other the first day, so I guess that means it's my fault isn't it?" A sense of dread overtook me. I quickly stood and turned back to them for a moment. "I have to go, but we can hang out another time!"

My fake smile was cracking as I ran to the truck, slamming the door as I almost flew out of the parking lot. I sped slightly on the way home and I got back before Shanks.

What in the name of Fate did I do?

A/n~ What did she do? Idk if any of you actually read these lmao

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night!

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