My Favorite Poison

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Penguin POV


I sat on the bench in front of the school and bounced my leg impatiently as the final bell rang out. I couldn't deny the ridiculously huge smile that had almost been imprinted on my face all week, but how could I? I had the most beautiful, smart, spitfire woman meeting me every minute she could.

And she was in my bed more often than not~

I was so happy that she suggested a friends with benefits relationship, even if that meant I was stuck as just a fuck buddy. It was better than her leaving me. I could at least proudly claim that this was mine. This relationship, whatever other people saw it as, was all mine. She was all mine in those moments and I couldn't be happier about it. I was a little upset that we had to keep it on the down-low, but I'd rather not get jumped by half of the football team...

I shook away the thoughts of them with a small shiver before I look over to the doors. I see her (h/c) hair first before her dark (e/c) eyes met mine and immediately lit up. I fought a blush back as I saw how happy she always looked to see me, a cheesy smile that always reached her eyes and her shoulders relaxing.

I stood up and made my way over to her side with a skip in my step, still feeling a little high from our quicky in the abandoned bathrooms on the top floor. I refrained from grabbing her waist right then and there since I felt more than a few burning gazes on our forms. I looked over her shoulder to make eye contact with Killer. Or at least I thought I was looking at his eyes.

Bro needs a haircut, how can he see shit?

I nodded to him and he nodded back. He was the only one who respected her decision, knowing that we hung out but not that we had... other arrangements.

"Hey Peng?" her sweet voice called.

I turned my attention to her and hummed, unlocking my old ass car as we got closer. Her face was flushed from the cold wind that was picking up, whipping her (h/l) hair around her face gently. I swear she always looks like an angel to me whether or not she did her makeup.

"Just wondering if you're okay, you were staring at the building for a while there," she giggled out, but there was genuine concern in her eyes.

I felt my cheeks warm but laughed it off. "Nah, just thought I forgot my Chem homework for a second," I lied easily as she dissolved into more giggles.

"And I'm guessing you forgot that Law pissed Mr. Cesar off so much he didn't give any before he stormed out of the class?" I froze.

Oh shit, I did forget-

I scratched under my hat with a nervous chuckle. She shook her head softly as she hopped into the passenger seat, waving me to hurry up. I slipped in and took off my hat. She was quick to grab it off the dash and place it over her hair as I backed out of the parking space. I couldn't help the feeling that built up in my chest as I glanced at her on the way back to my apartment. I didn't want to wait until we got up that rickety ass staircase and walked into my now spotless home. I made a point to clean it regularly now that I had a special guest visiting almost every other day.

I pulled into my reserved spot and practically threw the shifter into park before leaning over to capture her soft but slightly chapped lips with my own. She smiled into the kiss making me wear a matching grin. I gave her another peck before jumping out of my seat and hopping over the peeled dark grey paint of my hood. My smile only grew as I opened her door with another peck on her lips. Her laughter blessed my ears as we parted and I grabbed her bag, bridal carrying her up the steps to my door.

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