Fellas, I think I Broke Him

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After a peaceful lunch with Killer and a stressful end of classes I headed out to my truck. Only to realize, I came to school with the ASL brothers and my truck was at their house.


I turned around to see Sabo giggling at me. "Forgot about me already?" he teased.

"Oh shut it. I was going through the motions. But where are the other two trouble makers?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Ace got in a fight with someone who was talking shit about you and Vivi and Luffy said he was going to hang out with Law, so it's just you and me."

I nodded. "Then I have a question."

He waved for me to follow him to his car. "Shoot."

"I'm gonna go to the Halloween party tomorrow, so should I dress up?"

He stopped for a second. "Can I come with you?"

"Sure, you can be my plus one if anyone gets shitty."

He nodded and kept walking. "Then yes, and I think the mall is having a sale on couples costumes if you don't mind matching."

"As long as I fit in and don't draw attention, sure. I don't need more rumors next week," I scoffed.

He opened the car door for me and I thanked him, plopping into the seat. He smiled as he shut the door, looking up to look at something before hopping into the driver's seat. "How bad we're they?"

"Bad. Everyone thinks I'm a whore at this point. From sleeping with teachers to dating the whole football team at once, it's just me being a pass around." I sighed and fiddled with my fingers.

He quickly grabbed one of my hands and held it tight. "There's nothing wrong with doing what you want, but you're so much better than what rumors boil you down to. You aren't a whore, you're a beautiful bad bitch and I love that about you," he chimed, glancing at me with a smile as he pulled out of the parking space. "They're just intimidated by you."

"Sure," I chuckled.

"There's that smile!"


We got to the mall and it was packed. Couples holding hands, Moms and Dads with their kids, and elderly couples littered the hall, flitting in and out of stores. For some reason I felt jealous, knowing that was all a far off fantasy at the moment. Sabo gently pulled me to a Spirit Halloween near the front.

"Here they are!" he exclaimed, waving at the couples packs. Everything from a high-fantasy princess and a dragon to mustard and ketchup costumes littered the wall. "Let's see what we can find."

I brought a few with longer dresses which had the princess and cartoon-y dragon combo, a nun and priest pair, and a pair of ghosts. He, on the other hand, brought a few with short skirts and more badass vibes. A red riding hood and the wolf, a skimpy princess and dragon combo, and a pair of steampunk fighters.

We looked at each other's picks and laughed, but agreed to try on all six. We did mine first on his insistence, but nothing fit right. The bust was too small or the waist too big, and his almost looked like bags on him.

"Well shit, I guess the size charts don't mean anything on these things," I sighed.

"I guess not, but let's keep going."

I nodded and tried on the red riding hood dress, blushing at how it only covered to my mid thigh. The bust was covered, but thinly. But it fit. Almost perfectly, even.

I stepped out of the dressing room to see him in an open shirt with little ears and a tail. He looked hot and cute at the same time, but as soon as he saw me, his jaw dropped.

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