You Should Have Seen Their Faces

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I finished up packing my things after World history, rushing a bit since I was excited for my plans after we got out. Perona looked at me confused as I hurried to put everything in my bag. She caught a glimpse of my extra clothes and gasped.

"OMG! (Y/n) are you going on a date?!" It was a little louder than she intended since everyone turned to look at us. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"It's okay, Perona," I reassured as I pat her head. "I wouldn't call it a date but I am going to a reptile exhibit with Drake."

She whipped her head up, throwing my hand off her head. "That's totally a date! Let me see what you're wearing! Reptiles may not be cute, but you absolutely will be!" I giggled as she dragged me off to the bathrooms down the hall. "Now change, I'm going to get the girls."

I nodded and slipped into a stall. I changed into a baggy black band tee and my black, ripped jeans. I let my hair out of its style and fluffed it so it looked more relaxed. I put on some chapstick and looked myself over in the mirror.

Good enough.

The girls busted through the door and froze at my outfit. The all just stared for a good minute. I waved, trying to get them to snap out of it.

"OH HELL NO!" they all shouted at once and rushed towards me.

"The hair is good, but this shirt..." Nami trailed.

"She needs some bling, don't you think?" Vivi chimed, "And definitely not the ring Ichiji gave you!" She pulled the ring off and put it in my bag.

"I feel like she could pull this together with some color, don't you think?" Perona mumbled, looking through her bag.

"Definitely some eyeshadow!" Koala sang, bringing out a neutral pallet and a q-tip.

Oh good gods, Fate help me.


After a good thirty minutes, I was spun to look in the mirror. My hair didn't change but almost everything else did. I had a subtle smokey eye, Perona's plastic choker, Vivi's hoops, my shirt was tied into a crop top, I had a red belt in the loops of my jeans, and Koala's boots. Now I absolutely looked like I was going on a date.

"You really didn't have to do all of this..." I murmured.

"Nonsense! Drake of all people is taking you to look at his favorite kinds of animals. Even if you don't see it as a date, he probably means it as one," Koala explained.

I looked at them nervously. "I just feel like it's too much. I mean it's the zoo for gods' sake!"

"Okay, but it's not that much. Light makeup and a cute outfit is absolutely normal for the zoo! You'll be fine," Nami assured.

I let out a sigh as they all gave me thumbs ups. "Thanks, I'll give back all the jewelry tomorrow, and Perona, did you want this belt back?" I asked, gesturing to the red cloth.

"Nope! It looks good on you, plus it's fit to your waist."

I nodded and looked at my phone. "SHIT!"

My outburst shocked the girls. "Sorry! I'm gonna be late! I'll update you guys tomorrow!" I hollered as I ran out.

I heard them mumble something but I kept up my speed as I ran to the park where we were going to meet. I slowed to a jog as I saw Drake sitting on a bench. I fixed my hair a little and caught my breath before walking up to him.

"Hey Drake, sorry I made you wait."

He turned to me, dressed in jeans and a plain white tee. He froze for a moment before blushing and giving me a small grin. "I didn't wait long," he said softly. "You ready to go?"

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