Whos Got Spirit?

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A long week and a half went by since the all day marathon that was dealing with Hendrix and Spirit Week was inching closer to the big game. That meant most of the boys had practice so I barely saw them. When I did see them though, Hendrix did his damndest to keep me away.

He did seem like a nice guy when he wasn't trying to gaslight me into thinking he was a nice guy. He brought me snacks, tried to help me with my classes, and showed me the coolest hang out spot in the city. His dad had bought it apparently and he named it Medusa's Layer. Cheesy name for a mythical zoan user's hideout if you ask me.

But Spirit week didn't disappoint. On Monday, everyone was dressed in their favorite pajamas, which is how I learned Law had a small obsession with Sora the Warrior of the Sea. His onesie was embossed like his suit and he was very careful not to get anything on it all day. Not to mention Sabo who was dressed up in a Stitch onesie. I couldn't help but give his surprise hugs all day because he looked so cute!

Tuesday was even better. It was gender swap day, ironic for me with my detention the other week, but I almost fainted when I saw Ace in a mini skirt and crop top. He even put his hair up in a small ponytail and a red lip to top it off. Sanji was running around in a baby pink dress all day, trying to hide from the Vinsmokes and Zoro, who was in a full blown Kimono and geisha makeup. Not to mention Luffy absolutely rocking his orange sundress he absolutely borrowed from Nami.

Yesterday was twinning, so I let Perona dress me to the nines in a cute Lolita style dress, while Koala and Sabo did a fun little steampunk number, and Ace and Luffy matched in their football jerseys and jean shorts.

Today was themed "middle aged me" so I went with a cute tank top and cardigan, mom jeans to top off the outfit, and neutral makeup. I felt confident that the after effects of my love spell had worn off so I risked doing a light glamour just to make sure I looked the part. I did my hair up with a few pins and gave myself another once over.

After deciding I was good, I went out and hopped up in the truck to make my way to school. I even traded out my book bag for a big mom purse I had from when Benn took me to the beach like 3 years ago. It was after a long mission in Alabasta and I had gone with him, so we had a fun little beach day after he finished.

As I stepped out of the truck I realized I was super early when I saw Mr. Thatch step out of an old silver mustang with the top down. It was fully restored and the red leather seats were easy to spot even from where I was. His hair was up in its usual pompadour, but his scarf was undone and so was his shirt, revealing his chest and a surprising bit of ink.

"Mr. Thatch?" I asked tentatively as I walked closer.

He turned to me mildly surprised before stopping completely. "Miss (Y/n)? What are you doing here so early?" He kept staring at me, giving me a few once overs.

"I guess I got here early, but shouldn't you be inside already?" He seemed to snap out of it at that, meeting my eyes again. "Long night?"

He let out a low chuckle. "You could say that. I decided to go to poker night with the guys and, we'll you can guess how that went," he joked tiredly. I nodded as we started walking to the building.

"Well, if it's hangover based, I have a killer recipe for a cure that doesn't taste terrible. Shanks over does his drinking too often for me to not know," I joked back as I opened the door for him.

"Ah, thank you darlin'."

Darlin'? Oh no, I'm simping-

"But can I ask why you're the one to help with Shanks' hangovers?" he questioned lightly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I laughed at that. "Of course, he's my brother's best friend, so he ends up crashing at our place pretty often when he's a little too drunk, especially lately since my brother asked him to keep an eye on me." I adjusted my bag as we neared my locker. "I can make you one most likely if I can steal the teacher's lounge for five minutes?"

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