Pain and Reconciliation

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(TW: Menstrual talk and bleeding)
Explicit talk ends after the bold "Synopsis" note

Waking up in your own blood is never a great start to a day, but unfortunately that's how I started mine. Mx. Iva must have put too much testosterone in when they changed me back since I wasn't due for one, like ever. My period blockers must have been overridden.

I'll have to talk to them later today. I can't work like this, Shanks would barely let me get ready for school.

After popping some ibuprofen and calling it good I headed out. Driving with this level of cramps wasn't always the best idea, but I didn't have time to call Yassop, and subsequently listen to his rambles about his dear son he hasn't seen in years, or Penguin, who apparently lives about two streets away, so I had to make due.

After I finally made it to the school I hurried in. I woke up late so I was definitely late after scouring the house for menstrual products. I sped to Shanks' class and slid into my seat. He rushed over, completely ignoring the fact that everyone else was here, and handed me a mug of tea.

"Shanks, not right now!" I hissed.

He shook his head. "Nonsense. I got this from Rocinante and it's supposed to help. His adoptive son helped make it, he's a miracle worker with medicinal herbs," he whispered. I nearly melted into my seat at the stares from everyone.

I should have just stayed home.


After homeroom I nearly sprinted to the bathroom. I guess denying your time of the month for seven years makes it extra heavy. Mx. Iva was walking down the hall at the time and I quickly asked for them to follow me.

"What? Why dear?" They asked.

"I need to ask you some things but I'm currently..." I trailed as I glanced down.

They gasped, "Oh my! Of course, go! Go!" I nodded and ran awkwardly the rest of the way.

After I finished changing, I walked out to see Iva looking at me worriedly.

"I over shot the hormones, didn't I?" I nodded. "But that doesn't explain why it's so heavy," they stressed.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Well, I have been taking birth control, but the kind that stop the cycle. It's been a few years." They looked shocked. "I don't... do well with this stuff, but since you know how hormones work, what should I do in regards to taking them again?"

Iva sighed. "I suggest letting it even out first, then after you're regular, start again. My apologies for not asking about such things first," they lamented.

"No, it's an odd thing to do, especially at my age. Thank you for the advice, Mx. Iva," I spoke carefully.



(Synopsis: (Y/n) got her period, but regularly takes preventive birth control for her 'work' and now can't take it until her cycle evens out because of Ivankov's hormone mixup yesterday.)


I trudged back into class right before the second bell, flopping into my chair tiredly. Sabo and Ace both looked at me worriedly but refrained from saying much. I wasn't so lucky with Kidd.

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