The One for Me

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Sanji POV

My heart raced as she tugged me down the hall to the nurse's office. She still had my hand softly in hers, rubbing the knuckles absentmindedly. I had never felt this strongly about a woman in my life, and that's saying something since every woman I've ever seen pulls at least a few heart strings.

When she opened the door to the infirmary it was completely empty. She sighed gently and led me to a chair. She quickly got supplies to clean up my cheek and knee that had gotten scratched up by my fall. She quickly came back and eased my chin into her lightly calloused fingers.

"This might sting a bit," she warned in the kindest tone.

I barely noticed the pain as I stared into her focused (e/c) eyes, her (h/c) hair lightly falling into her face. Her soft lips were pulled tight from her frustration and felt myself leaning into her touch. She looked over into my eyes and gave me a small smile.

"I'm glad this isn't hurting too much, I don't know what their problem is," she grumbled. I opened my mouth to speak but it all seemed to die in my throat when she pressed the plaster on the small scrape. Her fingertips felt like electricity glancing over the edge of the tape, making my cheeks warm.

She moved to my knee with the antiseptic. Her touch glanced repeatedly over my skin in a tender, loving way, so much so it surprised me. The last time I was treated this gently was as a child. It stung a bit more as she cleaned the raw skin. I let out a small hiss and she immediately stopped.

"Are you okay? You're almost done," she reassured sweetly. I nodded shortly as she went back to dabbing across the skin. She repeated the process of bandaging it, softly rubbing the sides of the tape down. Her head turned up to me from next to my knee and a bigger smile graced her features.

She stood before putting away her supplies and turned back to me. "All taken care of! Also, I'm (Y/n), I don't think we've ever properly met."

I swallowed heavily. "I'm Sanji, Vinsmoke Sanji. The pleasure is mine, madam," I spoke surprisingly smoothly. A light blush decorated her cheeks as I stood. "May I ask why you decided to stand up for me? I'm sure one of my friends would have," I asked.

"I just hated how defeated you seemed, and if you were talking about Luffy he was off to the side arguing with his brothers," she giggled. I deflated slightly at the thought of Luffy being distracted with his family, but straightened quickly with another question.

"Don't you know who they are?"

She scratched her cheek with a cheeky grin. "Not a clue, but I don't think it would have changed anything. You seem like a sweet person so I wouldn't have just stood there even if it was a mob boss belittling you." Her bold statement shook me, and made me realize something.

This girl is the one.

I gave her a smile that hurt my cheeks, as I tilted my head slightly. "Thank you, (Y/n)-san!" I let my smile fall slightly as I pulled her into a hug. She giggled into my chest as her arms circled my waist.

Her chest shifted against me and I suddenly realized our position. She was willingly pressed to me, and I was holding her in my arms. She was happy about it, even. I tilted my head back to stop the blood from falling into her (h/t) hair.

Why right now?! I mean I know why, but I was holding it together so well!

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal three irritatingly familiar faces.

"Sanji! I heard you got hurt so I came as fast as I can! Are you okay?!" Chopper basically dragged me back into the chair and began going over my already cared for injuries. Luckily with their intervention my nosebleed stopped in it's tracks, but that didn't make this any more tolerable.

I was having a moment with her, damnit!

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Luffy asked the sweet girl that had my heart. "I thought you'd be in the cafeteria already... DID YOU GET HURT?!" He suddenly dragged her to a chair, manhandling her in order to check for injuries.

"YOU DUMBASS! STOP HARASSING (Y/N)-SAMA!" I shouted, gently pushing Chopper out of the way to hit Luffy across the head. "IF SHE WAS HURT YOU WOULD HAVE MADE IT WORSE!"

"Stupid perv-cook, she's fine."

"What was that, mosshead?" I jeered as I whipped around th face the smelly kendo captain.

"You wanna go, dart brow?!" he snapped back.

"Sure, you perma-lost piece of grass!"

I went to butt heads with him as a soft hand rested on my shoulder. I turned to see (Y/n)'s worried gaze as she shook her head for me to not fight. With a quiet sigh I sufficed for a quick glare in the mosshead's direction and sat back down.

Chopper quickly scurried over to continue checking me over, his hooves clicking against the floor. "Chopper, I'm fine. (Y/n)-sama~ already healed me with her presence and was kind enough to bandage me~" I reassured while gazing lovingly at the (h/c) haired beauty.

"Yup, he's fine." I swore I was about to bash that stupid swordsman upside the head as soon as (Y/n) left the room.

Luffy tilted his head, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand. "Hey (Y/n)? Your hand doesn't look right," he muttered. I quickly glanced at it to see her hiding it behind her back.

She seemed to straighten slightly and chuckled nervously. "Oh it's nothing, just a little bruised! I did hit them pretty hard," she joked. Luffy grabbed her hand and pulled it from behind her back to reveal deep purple bruises decorating the back of it.

Chopper saw it to and started freaking out. "WE NEED A DOCTOR!" He ran around in a tight circle panicking.

"Aren't you practicing to be one?" Zoro chided.

"Oh! Right!" Chopper quickly ran up to (Y/n) and began gently tending to the wounds as I felt an undeniable rage build in my chest.

Those three will pay for putting a scratch on my dear (Y/n)-sama.

A/n~ I bet you were wondering when he'd be included!

Vinsmoke Sanji - Unlocked!

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