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Over the weekend I was simply setting in the after glow of getting (Y/n)'s phone number, so when I got to school Monday I was brutally shocked out of my happiness when I saw someone flirting with her. Not just anyone, either.

Fuckin Hendrix.

He was a popular guy, despite his reputation for sleeping around and slipping out of any problem he created. He had been trying to catch her eye since he first saw her in his Homeroom. She never payed him any mind though, as she should. He was a scumbag and that's coming from me of all people.

She looked irritated as he leaned in. "Come on, cutie! We got off on the wrong foot. Can't you just give me a chance?" he pleaded in his false begging tone. I nearly stepped in, but I remembered her being proud of not needing help.

"No, I believe you bashing my friend was enough of a chance," she snapped back. She slipped out of his presence before he could make a comment and I couldn't help but stare as she slipped through the crowd. Then it hit me, she was referring to me.

I strolled off to class, realizing I had nothing to worry about when it came to Hendrix. Not only that but I was closer to making her mine. I looked down to the picture of (Y/n) that she took herself for me to replace the one of her sleeping.

It was a selfie of me hugging her from behind, full smiles with our faces lightly squished together. Her hair mixed with mine as we giggled at the fact that we had skipped a whole class with each other. It was in this picture I noticed a small scar on her lip. It was well healed so you wouldn't notice it unless you stared, but it was definitely there.

Her smile brought a small one to my own lips as I walked into Mr. Dracule's class for homeroom.

I may be in the friend zone now, but just you wait.


Drake POV

(Y/n) groaned quietly as she sat next to me, worrying me. "Is everything alright?" I asked gently. She let out a sigh before leaning forward onto her desk.

"I think I attracted the attention of the wrong person," she mumbled into her arms. I hesitantly rested a comforting hand on her head. She turned to peek out at me, and I nearly melted.

She's too cute!

I gave her a small smile before reassuring, "I'm sure it isn't that bad, and if it is I'll get them off your back." She nodded before sitting up. My hand left her head as Hendrix, a guy that I faintly knew, strolled right up to our desks.

"(Y/n), just one hour. I promise I'll make it worth it," he whispered seductively.

I think the hell not.

I quickly put my hand on her far shoulder and glared as I joined her in the stare-down of this wannabe flirt. She shifted into a more intimidating stance, her chin up slightly and her shoulders back.

She nearly growled as she reassured him, "I said no, and I mean no, Hendrix." The way she nearly hissed his name made my heart jump in fear. I never want her to say my name like that.

He simply ignored it however, opting to continue. "See, you already know my name now! Might as well get to know me, too," he offered. She scoffed as Mr. Le Roux walked up.

"Hendrix, please go sit down, the second bell has rung and we need to start," he forced out, placing his hand on Hendrix's shoulder. It must have been a tight grip since he winced as he nodded.

He did go back to his seat, but that didn't stop him from throwing ten different wadded up papers our way. I intercepted every single one. Every time one rolled over I simply threw it in the garbage.

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