Omens and Farewells

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The first week of school seemed to flash by in an instant, but I was lucky to make a few friends. The girls were so kind, even if Perona was a bit judgmental when it came to "not cute" things, and Sabo and Penguin were super sweet. Drake was nice but a little odd, and Luffy was just the most adorable little junior.

I felt a bit bad about the first day when I just left him there to clean up the station, but he forgave me after I gave him some jerky and promised to help in the future. He was incredibly clingy. Like, it was almost like he always had to be touching me.

Sabo seemed to always be involved in some way, starting with the fact that he was Luffy's brother. I should have expected that with their family names being the same but they act and look nothing alike at first glance, that's besides the point though. He was in four of my classes and always took time out of his lunch period to come find me to talk and hang out.

Penguin was just as present even if it was more in the background. Being there in the corner of my eyeline always relaxed me just a bit. He would always call for me when Ace or one of the popular girls decided to make comments.

Speaking of Ace, he was being the biggest jerk known to man-

Benn stepped into the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts. He sat down across from me with a sigh and a hand on his face. His tired eyes looked at mine as a small smile grew across his lips.

He has a job coming up doesn't he? He always gets like this when Shanks sends him off.

He sighed again. "I'm guessing you already know, but I just got called to go on a business trip for a while. It shouldn't be too long. Just to chat with a few people about a deal and then grab some stuff. Shouldn't take more than a few weeks," he quickly debriefed. I nodded sadly.

"Just be safe, okay?" I mumbled. He rested his hand on my head and ruffled my (h/c) locks.

"I always am," he chuckled.


He was loading up in the taxi while I watched from the doorframe of the house. With a sigh he walked back and handed me the keys to his truck.

"Don't crash her, and Shanks will be here-" As he spoke a tire screech was heard. "-right now apparently."

We turned to the street and saw Shanks' iconic red Beamer not-so-gently roll in next to Benn's old ass grey Chevy. Benn grimaced at the difference as Shanks stepped out looking like he could own the street with his crisp collar, black slacks, and a black blazer hanging from his shoulders.

With a shake of his head, Benn commented, "Did you really have to dress up for this? You normally look like a bum."

"Gasp! I look stylishly relaxed, for your information. And also I am technically your boss so I have to make an impression," Shanks joked.

I let out a quiet laugh at the banter, watching as they walked closer to whisper the details. I did catch something about Toto Land and infiltration though, and I almost stopped them there.

Benn said this was a solo, I swear he's got a death wish.

They finished their little conversation so I walked up and grabbed both of their ears. "You," I said to Benn, "better be careful. I'll hunt you down myself if you aren't." He nodded, knowing I actually would because I have before.

"And you," I said to Shanks this time, "need to stop letting him go on insane solo missions. You're both gonna give me a heart attack." Shanks nodded this time, sweating.

Letting go of their ears I rested my hands on my hips. "Now that I've gotten that out, be safe, I love you, and run if you get in a situation you can't handle. I know you know this but you do stupid stuff sometimes..."

Like working for this red head.

"I will, I love you too, and I'll be back sooner than you'd think. Don't do anything stupid yourself, okay?" I nodded and gave him a tight hug. He ruffled my hair one more time before hopping in the back seat of the taxi and disappearing down the road.

"So..." Shanks started, looking at me.

I glanced at him before crossing my arms. "Thanks for agreeing to look after me, even if I am 18, but I'm still mad at you." I turned on my heel and stomped back to the house.

"For what? The pop quiz Wednesday or sending your brother away?" He hollered after me.

"Both!" I yelled back.


I walked into my room to cool down. I'm not really all that mad at Shanks, but he is a pain in the ass. I sat at my desk and started to pull out my grimoire when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

My attraction bowl was full of flies. Dead ones at that.

I grimaced before grabbing my singed tweezers that I used for my craft and started picking them out. I didn't leave my window open or use any sweet ingredients so why? After I had put them in a separate jar, I pulled out my phone and turned to trusty Google-sensei.

...and that was the most round about hour of research to tell me it depends on my beliefs. They can mean anything really, from divine punishment to incoming plague. However, I'm going to go with the rebirth and new beginnings energy. Mind over matter and manifestations, right?

"(Y/n)-chan? You okay up there?" Shanks hollered from the base of the stairs.

I have been up here for a while.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back, turning away from the eighteen little flies laying in the clear glass.


"C'mon (Y/n)-chan~" he whined from beside me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"No, if you want alcohol then go get it yourself. You're a grown ass man," I snarked.

He stood with a sigh and turned to the kitchen. "I miss school (Y/n)," he pouted. He trudged around the bar counter and to the fridge before I responded.

"Well, school (Y/n) and home (Y/n) are two different people," I explained. "I guess I could be how I am at school around you all the time, but I wouldn't treat you as a friend. Teacher and student boundaries after all, Mr. Le-"

"NO!" he shouted, practically vaulting over the couch. "Don't do that to me (Y/n)-chan! I like friend you!" He was practically begging as I choked back a laugh.

"Alright, alright! I wasn't going to anyway," I giggled. "I see you as too much of a dork to do that." He sighed in relief. "But, now I know how to get back at you when you make me mad!" I teased.

"Noooo! How could you," he dramatically sobbed as he made his way back to the fridge, opening it this time. "What the hell? How does he not have anything?!"

I giggled again. "He keeps his stash under the sink!" I hollered back at him.

This is going to be interesting.

A/n~ I love Shanks so much, like he's so fun. Anyway hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!

Have a great day/night!

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