Pure Artistry

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Over the next two weeks, quite a few things changed. Drake was pretty affectionate in the halls with his little forehead kisses. The weather got colder as we dipped into the end of October, and Drake always lended me his jacket, and he started taking me to and from school. Sabo and Penguin stopped hanging out with me as much, which definitely hurt, but I guess Ace wasn't totally wrong when he said my "newness" would wear off eventually.

Speaking of Ace, telling him I was seriously talking to Drake was interesting


I walked up to Ace during passing period and tapped on his shoulder. "Hey Ace?"

He turned around with a tired look before brightening. "(N/n)! What's my favorite person need?"

I let out a small giggle before commenting. "So, remember how I promised I would tell you if I got in a relationship? Well I wanted to tell you that I'm talking to Drake. He's super sweet and I think it'll work!"

His eyes were shadowed for a moment before he responded with a forced smile. "That's great! I'm glad you came to tell me before the rumors made something up again."


"Yeah, just the other day you were apparently having an affair with Shanks and Mihawk at the same time," he joked, but still kept an eye on my reaction.

I bursted out laughing. "Mr. Mihawk and Mr. Le Roux?! I think they'd stab each other before they shared an s/o! But no, definitely not getting between that bromance," I joked.


He apparently was dating Vivi since last year and they invited me and Drake on a double date! It was a little awkward because Ace insisted we sat across from our significant others, but immediately sat next to me instead of Drake. Other than that it was pretty nice! I still feel odd about calling Drake my boyfriend though, since we haven't really put a label on whatever we were.

Kidd was a little off for a few days but he quickly got over whatever his problem was. We've been meeting up in the library after school to work on his math skills, but Drake almost refuses to leave without me. So we worked it out so he works out in the football gym while we run through what Shanks taught in class.

However, today I had an appointment after school. Drake dropped me off like usual, but it almost felt like I was lying to him by not telling him about it. As he kissed my forehead I placed my hand on his forearm.

"Drake, I have to go meet Mr. Marco later-"

"Why?" He cut me off abruptly, searching my face for something.

I shook off the odd feeling in my gut and rubbed his arm. "He asked me to model for a painting. It's nothing big but I felt like you should be in the loop," I eased, trying to calm his sudden mood.

He searched my face again before relaxing. "Thank you for thinking of me, but if he does anything-"

"I know, don't let him be inappropriate, but I doubt anything like that would happen. It's Mr. Marco," I joked. Marco had a very relaxed and friendly reputation as a teacher and no one would even imagine him doing such a thing to his students. "Alright, I gotta go change, but I'll let you know how it goes, okay?"

He nodded and pulled me into a deep kiss. "Be safe, babe."

I couldn't do much but nod breathlessly before slipping out of the car, only to be met with Shanks' judgmental stare.

"I still don't like him. You couldn't have picked someone else?" he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him to the door. "And who would you suggest? He was the only one to have the balls to make a move," I paused, thinking of the three Vinsmoke boys, "and not start on a shitty note. Plus he's sweet, takes care of me, and trusts me. If you can find someone better than that I'll humor you."

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