What Do You Call This?

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Sabo POV

I ran out after Ace, holding both of our books. I nodded to a few of my friends as they also left their classes and finally found him at his locker. He was glaring at the shiny little plaque that read 666. He would rip it off every year since that number was always scribbled on his desk in our old schools.

He always thought he got the number of the beast because he was the son of the most hated gang leader, Gol D. Roger, and I honestly wouldn't put it past the principal. I had 667, so offered to trade when we first got them, but he told me no as he ripped of the plaque. However, they replaced it every summer.

"Why does that bitch irritate me so much?" I heard him mutter. I froze before a seething pit of emotion settled in my gut.

"Don't call her a bitch! You don't even know her." I was surprised that my own tone came out almost at a growl. He turned to me and glared.

"Neither do you! Why the hell are you taking her side?" he shouted. The hallway fell silent, but I didn't care.

"She deserves a chance at least! What has she ever done to you?! You even insulted her! To. Her. Face!" I punctuated every word with a finger jabbed at his chest. "And then she just laughed it off! She gave you the benefit of the doubt!" I scolded. "She gave you more of a chance than you did her!" I bit my tongue before I said any more.

Normally you're the one without a chance.

He ripped the plaque off and gripped it until it began to bend. "I don't care! She just rubs me the wrong way, okay! Can we just not talk about it?" he burst, melting the plaque in his hand.

"Fine, but don't use such words to refer to her, that's all I ask," I huff, still angry.

She's been nothing but nice! She doesn't deserve to be bad mouthed like this on her first day.

I passed him his books roughly, yanking open my locker with a little more force than necessary to find a few love letters plopped through the slits. They never let me have a break, do they? I'd open them at lunch so I put them next to my bento, and grabbed the English textbook sitting at the bottom of the pile.

At least I have a nice, calm class next. Maybe she'll be there-

I cut my own thought off in surprise. I'm thinking about that even after I just had an argument with my brother about her? Why did I even argue about her? I also just met her, so what the hell? I shook my head as I shut the door, ignoring those thoughts and made my way to room 23.


I walked into the old library that Mr. Dracule claimed as his classroom and admired the ever present aura of mystery. The crown moulding and the darker wood made it seem cold and aloof, much like the teacher himself, but it was always a welcoming ambiance in my opinion.

And then I saw her.

It was like the first time all over again as her hands tucked her skirt under her thighs while she squatted to look at something. She just felt different from everyone else. Yes, she looked beautiful, there was no question there, but she felt like she knew so much more than anyone. Almost like every movement had a reason, every word she said felt like it needed to be spoken. She was so real. So much so that it made everyone else feel fake. Even myself.

So there I stood, a little closer now, staring at her in all her glory as she looked at the old shelves in the back of the room. Her face lit up when she seemed to find what she was looking for. I felt my face heat and I could see the sparks come off my cheeks as she pulled out a copy of (fav/book).

I took a deep breath and stepped closer to speak with her when I noticed someone else staring at her. It was Killer, the quiet kid who always covers his face. His long bangs always covered his eyes and he always wore a blue and white mask to cover the rest.

How dare he- what? I shouldn't be judging... No, actually, screw this dude. Hiding and stalking her from behind a bookshelf? Creep. At least I was out in the open.

I sent him a glare before continuing my way to (Y/n). He shifted like he saw my look but kept seeming to watch her. I shook my head and cleared my throat to get her attention. When she saw me she looked almost as happy as when she found her book, making my heart skip a few beats. However it soon dropped as she straightened, and I remembered why I had to leave her so fast and what happened with Ace all over again.

I nervously shifted. "I'm sorry about Ace, he can be a bit rude sometimes."

Why am I covering for him? He's just being an ass!

She sighed. "It's okay, I'm sure I just didn't sit quite right with him. It's not you fault either." She gave me a sad smile before clutching her book. "I got here early so Mr. Dracule told me to pick first reading of the year. Do you want to help?" Her bright smile returned and my heart nearly stopped.

That's why, she's too sweet to hate anyone.

I let out a chuckle and gestured to the book in her hands, "It seems you already picked though."

"This? No, this is for me, I don't like to mix my favorites with the word 'required'," she joked.

I let out a full laugh at that. "Fair enough, but (f/b) is pretty good for group discussion. Especially with the emotional context when the main character and the antagonist have that intense conversation right before the climax," I mention, having read it before. It was honestly one of my favorites too.

She looked up with what seemed to be stars in her intelligent eyes. "You've read it? Oh my gods! I love (fav/character)! They're just so cool!" she gushed. Her face looked adorable as she continued to ramble on about the story.

She paused for a breath and I decided to put my two cents in. "See, you already have the plot memorized so it'd be an easy section, and I'd have an excuse to read it again."

She froze. "I was rambling wasn't I! I'm so sorry, but I guess you do have a point," she trailed. Her teeth worried at her soft looking lower lip as she thought. "Alright, just this once I'll mix the two. And that way you and I both have an excuse to read it!" A bright smile lit up both of our faces as we walked back to Mr. Dracule.

This is definitely gonna be a good year.

A/n~ And one of my bois has been fully revealed! Also, Sabo threw out his birth last name so since he's brothers with Luffy, respects(fears) Garp, and Dragon is basically his dad, I guessed he'd get 'legally' adopted by somebody in that family.

Monkey D. Sabo - Unlocked!

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