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When I opened my eyes again, I was expecting the fiery gates of hell, not a cottage style bedroom.

I closed my eyes again as a ripping headache set in making me feel my pulse in my temples. I gently rubbed them to feel any sort of relief when I noticed they were bandaged.

I looked at the delicate handiwork in confusion as a light cough sounded from the other side of the room. I whipped my head to see the one and only Charlotte Katakuri. My head immediately protested but I forced myself to sit up and stare at him.

"Who's Benn?" he asked gently.

I froze up as the realization of everything slammed into me. I looked down at my hands as I sifted through my memory of yesterday. Benn was dead. I almost died. I wanted to die with him and someone took that away from me. He was charred to a crisp from a bomb that fell from the top of the chateau.

The top of the chateau.

I looked back at Katakuri blankly. "He was my brother. He-" a quiet sob cut me off. I tried to fight the hot tears that came down, but to no avail.

He awkwardly stood, far too tall for the room and sat next to me. He gently scooped me from the bed and cradled me in his arms. "I don't know what happened, but I'm sure he's glad you're alive," he whispered, softly pulling me in.

It reminded me of how Benn always cradled me after my nightmares.

"I can't even remember his last words to me," I sobbed, louder now. "He pushed me out of the way and I can't even remember what he said!"

He softly shushed me as he pulled my head into his chest, petting my hair. "It's okay, he knows you're trying," he assured.

"Why do you even care!"

He stopped for a second before turning my face to see his.

"Because I'm a big brother too. I know he'd want someone to be there for you and for right now I'll take that role. I can't imagine if it was the other way and I left my siblings in such a way, so I'll do my best to comfort you."

I nodded accepting it for now as I slumped back into him. "Okay," I whispered. He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in my hand. It was one of his rings.

The one I stole when I was 13, a silver band with delicate engravings that he always wore. He always said it was good luck. Now the engravings were coated with soot and the metal had small dents, but it still looked as stunning as the day I gave it to him.

"They found this on his hand, I thought you might want it."

I curled my bandaged hands around the band, pulling it tight to my chest and bawled. I cried every tear I could.

I miss you, Benn.


After I had finally calmed down, I asked for a phone. "I need to tell his best friend. He's the closest thing to family we have."

Katakuri nodded and passed over his cellphone. "I'll come back in a bit with some food. You haven't eaten in days."


"You were out of it for two days after... well, make your call and I'll be back," he replied awkwardly.

I nodded and dialed the number I know by heart. On the third ring, he picked up with a confused, "Hello?"

"Shanks, it's (Y/n)."

"(Y/n)? Why are you calling my- this isn't your number either... where are you?"

"Toto Land. Benn called me for help. He- he didn't-" I took a breath so I wouldn't cry again.

"Oh," was all he said, almost like he was expecting it. "I'm sorry, did you-"

"I was there, there's almost nothing to bring back."

"You were there?! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, I guess. A couple burns but nothing bad."

"You got burned?! I'm on my way-"

"It's fine Shanks!" I burst. "How about you stop avoiding the fact that Benn is dead!"

The line went quiet as I realized how horrible of me it was to say such a thing. "I- I'm sorry, it's just been a long day and-"

"It's okay, sweetheart. Get some rest and I'll handle the funeral," he assured softly. "I'll see you soon."

He hung up before I could even say goodbye.

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