Two Birds, No Stones

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When I woke up the next morning, I still didn't know what to call my lunch/dinner thing with Luffy. It was incredibly sweet and we ended up staying at the restaurant until after dark. He can eat more than anyone I've ever met. Since it was dark he took me to a park to stargaze for a bit, and he even ended up slipping his hand in mine.

That sounds like a date, but do I like him that way? Not to mention he's only a first year.

I shrugged off those thoughts for another time as I slipped on the ring Ichiji gave me and matched it with some clear crystal studs and some red high tops. I gave myself a once over in the mirror before nodding at my ensemble. Uniform pants, the short-sleeve uniform shirt, and a light jacket decorated my form and judging by the clouds outside I might need an umbrella.

I grabbed my cheap dollar store one since my nice one still needed to be cleaned and walked out to see the truck with a flat.

"Shit!" I checked the garage for a tire pump but unfortunately there wasn't one. "I'm gonna be so late!" I whined to myself.

I turned on my heel and shut the garage before sprinting to school. I almost just gave up half way with the wind battering me back, but I pushed through. If I could run through an Aqua Lagoona, I could run through some damn wind. That was always an interesting memory.


The rain poured outside as I ran through the building. The man was getting away as the dark halls passed by, the power having gone out a while ago. He slipped out a side door and I was forced to follow. The rain beat on my skin as he attempted to disappear into the alleys behind their hideout.

Finally he ran into a dead end, and slowly turned to meet my gaze. The fear in his eyes was palpable, but funny to me.

He was so scared of a little 15 year old like me...


I shook my head, pushing the memory back as I neared the school. I came up to the doors and made eye contact with Roci. He was surprised to see me outside but hurried to open the door for me.

"I forgot you guys lock the doors after the tardy bell!" I panted, slipping in next to him. "I need to start running more, that made me more tired than it should have!"

He leaned down in front of me an whispered, "What happened? Why are you late? You're normally one of the first people here!"

I looked up at him and pulled a face. "My tire was flat, plus I woke up late and checked the garage for a tire pump. I had to run here," I grumbled.

"Don't you live like 20 minutes from here? And that's by car!"

"Yup! But you gotta do what you gotta do." I pulled out my phone to check the time. "Oh good! I'm only about ten minutes late."

"Let me write you a tardy slip, come back over to the desk."

I followed him to the front desk and glanced around. "Where'd Baby 5 go?" I asked as he pulled out a little orange slip.

"She got moved to lunch duty, so it's just me back here," he said softly. He finished scratching out the details on the paper before handing it to me. "There, now hurry before Shanks does something dumb," he joked.

I gave him a nod before speed walking to Shanks' room. I got to the door and fixed my hair and smoothed my shirt, only then realizing I left my umbrella in the garage. I grimaced, thinking about the consequences of that as I remembered the clouds that made it look like it was about to rain, before walking into the room.

"(Y/n)! I was wondering when you'd show up!" Shanks chirped as if he wasn't just staring off into space, totally not planning on searching for me next period. "Slip?"

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