My Little Distraction

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"I figured you wouldn't want someone bothering you, and you seem the type to speak first if you want a conversation."

That simple sentence kept bringing me back to the (h/c) haired girl under the willow. The fact that she didn't immediately fall over herself to speak to me and could manage to respect my space was the thing that caught my attention most. Yes, she looked almost ethereal under the branches, but I saw her again about two weeks later and her extreme beauty must have been a sleepless mirage.

Her eyes always seemed to have light bags under them, and she had (a little, major, mild) acne, things I didn't see the first time I looked at her. She was normal, and that's not always a bad thing.

However, she never was far from my mind. I had one class with her so I saw her on a generally regular basis. She always sat next to Penguin and Drake and she always wrote with this fancy (second f/c) pencil. Her notebook was green and she always flipped to a new page at the start of every class, I always thought it was wasteful but Penguin told me it was easier to find things when he borrowed it for notes.

Her measurements were probably the only thing I haven't figured out because of the loose uniforms. Her (h/c) hair was exactly (h/l) and she wore the (size) uniform. Her eyes were (e/c) with little flecks of gold around the iris, and she always wore (black/brown) mascara from Cover Girl, which was confusing compared to her choice in perfume.

She always used this (f/scent) perfume from Banana Republic, and it was always on Penguin when he came back to the hideout after school. It irked me that he was so close to her regularly.

What could I do about it though?

I heard her footsteps from behind me and soon caught a whiff of the subtle musk. "Hello (Y/n)-ya," I greeted without turning around.

She shifted back for a moment before chuckling. "I can never figure out how you know it's me, Law."

Ah, she said my name again. It sounds so much better from her than all those crazy girls out in the halls. That was what? The seventh time?

"And I keep telling you, your footsteps sound different. Plus your perfume is a dead give away." I can't bring myself to tell her I could probably point her heartbeat out too, thanks to my devil fruit. "What did you need?"

She came to stand in front of me, her hair up today and she had thigh-high socks. That usually meant she was studying in the library or she was going to the arcade with Penguin down the street. Her smile told me she needed something though, her lips always curled slightly, almost like a cat's, when she wanted something from someone.

"I was wondering, would you like to go to the arcade with me and Peng? You can bring Bepo too if you want!" Her bright smile nearly blinded me while I debated on going with her. If I went, I had an opportunity to get closer to her, really figure out how she ticks, and maybe if I decide I truly do like her I can get even closer. But if I go there's a high chance of slipping and saying I know so much about her or that I know where she lives or that I-

"Law? You alright?"

Shit, I was taking too long. Eighth time.

"Sure," I respond. "However, Bepo has to go home right after school so it will just be me." She nodded and slipped me a small piece of paper. I opened it and found... her number? That was easier than I had figured it would be.

She chuckles at my surprise. "Just so we can talk, and then I don't have to track you down after class all the time!" I forced a small smirk at that, but I wanted her to keep finding me. Searching me out. Desiring to get to me and no one else, even if it was just for a moment.

"Sounds good, (Y/n)-ya. Less getting lost on your part, I'm sure," is what I found myself saying. She gave a nervous laugh as she scratched her neck.

"You caught me! But now it'll be much easier to find or talk to you!" I nodded as she skipped out of the room, her skirt bouncing with the motions.

(F/c) today. The lace is a nice touch.


The lights of the arcade were dimmed as we stepped in, (Y/n) in the middle of our little group. She immediately ran to a few games but I was more focused on the random strangers staring her down.

"Irritating, right? Can't help it much though, Cap."

I turned to Penguin. "What do you mean?" He gave me a small knowing smile.

"You look at her the same way I do. If anyone else did, I'd probably slit their throat, but since it's you I kinda have to let it slide." His thinly veiled threat didn't go unnoticed to me, but I couldn't blame him. I would most likely say the same to him.

"The best I can do is act like her boyfriend so they all back off. Not like I'm complaining, though," he laughed. Without sparing me a second glance, he quickly walked to (Y/n)'s side as she started on some kind of shooting game, putting in a few more quarters to play along with her.

However, my attention was drawn to the familiar freckled face lurking near (Y/n)'s bag, specifically because he was lightly tugging on one of the keychains attached to the side. It was a cute, (f/c) butterfly on a little beaded string, something most people would miss since it was so small. But I did because she always fiddled with it when she was nervous.

As I was about to go confront him, (Y/n) nearly appeared out of nowhere, standing directly behind him. She didn't make a noise and her heartbeat was undetectable.

How? Is she- she couldn't be.

"Heya Ace," she commented next to him, making him jump comically.

He whipped around hiding that he was still holding onto the charm. "Fuck, Homeschool, you scared the shit outa me."

"Whatcha doin with my bag?" She was staring dead into his eyes, no his soul at this point.

He began to sweat as the charm wouldn't budge. "Uh, just hangin out in my usual spot, what the fuck is your bag doing over here?" he poorly redirected. I quickly switched the beaded string in his hands with a different string next to it that came off quite easily. His disposition lightened immediately and he slipped it into his pocket.

Ha. Dumbass.

(Y/n) also seemed to lighten up, strangely enough. "I just put it over here since I was just beating Peng's ass at House of the Dead 4," she joked.

"Hey! You did not 'beat my ass'. You got two more than me, that's it," Penguin quickly defended.

Ace rolled his eyes, "So you hang with nerds now? You just keep getting more and more... out of the loop." That's when I noticed he had a light bruise over his nose and under his eyes. "First psychopaths, now nerds. What's next? No one? Just like before?"

"Well I'd hope not, and careful who you call a psycho," she pat his shoulder before grabbing her bag, hiding the charm.

She figured it out?

"They might be listening and come prove you right one day."

She made eye contact with me and smiled. I took that as my cue to walk the rest of the way over and hook an arm around her shoulder. "See you around, Ace-ya," I taunted with a smirk.

"Your devil fruit is so cool!" Her hand found it's place on the middle of my back. "Thanks for swapping them, Law," she whispered in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine as her hot breath glanced against my ear.


A/n~ Ah, Law, he's so fun to write. Especially in this book hehe

Trafalgar D Water Law - Unlocked!

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