Old Obsessions

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Killer POV

Trudging through the halls, I kept to myself. Kidd ditched after second period but I had a feeling today was going to give me something good. Luckily he was in a strangely good mood so I didn't have to explain why I wasn't going with him.

I was making my way to English when I froze. I caught a glimpse of (h/c) out of the corner of my eye and followed.

I can't help it anymore.

I had to find her again.

So I followed her all the way to English, which was a happy coincidence for me. As she walked in I watched her speak with Mr. Dracule while I snuck behind a few shelves. She set her books down on a desk and hurried over this way, but luckily she didn't see me.

Then she turned.

Her hair was a bit (shorter/longer), and her curves had filled out more than when we last saw each other, but I'd recognize those (e/c) eyes anywhere. Those intelligent and kind eyes. And not to mention her smile. Those would never change.

After all these years, I found you again. My dear (Y/n).

Then, another guy walked in. I only noticed him because he was also watching (Y/n), but when he looked at me he glared. If looks could kill I'd be six foot under, but so would he. How dare he just openly stare at the girl who saved me as a kid!

After looking at him for a moment I realized he was Sabo, last year's class president, related to Mr. Garp, quarterback of the football team, and top of his class. He could be King of the world for all I cared. I won't let him get in the way of reuniting with her.

Her face fell before he spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry about Ace, he can be a bit rude sometimes."

She let out a distressed sigh. "It's okay, I'm sure I just didn't sit quite right with him. It's not you fault either." Her face fell into a sad smile and my chest started to hurt for her. "I got here early so Mr. Dracule told me to pick first reading of the year. Do you want to help?" she quickly redirected, masking her sadness at Ace's actions.

If I see him being a douchebag to her again I'll kick his ass.

He chuckled at her and waved dismissively to the book in her hands, "It seems you already picked though."

"This? No, this is for me, I don't like to mix my favorites with the word 'required'," she joked. Her laugh was like music to me, even if to others it wasn't.

Completely opposite of the gratingly fake laugh of this wannabe prince of the school. "Fair enough, but (f/b) is pretty good for group discussion. Especially with the emotional context when the main character and the antagonist have that intense conversation right before the climax," he commented vaguely, he clearly would know who the characters were if he actually read it.

Fuckin fake bastard.

She looked up at him, obviously taken in by his act. "You've read it? Oh my gods! I love (fav/character)! They're just so cool!" she gushed. She looked so beautiful as she spoke about the book passionately, all while Sabo didn't even listen to her.

She paused to take a well deserved breath when he decided to cut her off. "See, you already have the plot memorized so it'd be an easy section, and I'd have an excuse to read it again."

More like read it for the first time. Prick.

She froze up in embarrassment. "I was rambling wasn't I! I'm so sorry, but I guess you do have a point," she trailed, her cheeks adorably flushed. Her teeth pulled at her suddenly tempting lower lip as her gentle hands fidgeted with the book pressed to her chest. "Alright, just this once I'll mix the two. And that way you and I both have an excuse to re-read it!" A bright smile lit up both of their faces as they walked back to Mr. Dracule.

He shot me another pointed glare over his shoulder so I decided to return the favor. Pushing my bangs up and out of my face, I let my eyes meet his and narrow. His widened in surprise before he hardened his gaze again and turned away to talk with my (Y/n).

"The audacity of this bitch," I mumbled to myself.


I huffed as I walked back to my locker to grab my notebook. Home Ec. was my favorite class so I actually put effort in, and Mr. Newgate was the best teacher we could ask for. He was always so patient.

His pompadour is a little out of style though...

I silently chuckled at the thought of someone saying something about it. I gently shut the small door when I saw her again. This time a mere four feet away with nothing in between us. Her locker was right there. Number 555, right down from me and Drake's.

I was suddenly self conscious of how my pants were just a bit loose and how my shirt fit weird, tight around my chest and loose around my waist and arms. She smiled down at her phone as she typed something and then placed her English book back, leaving her notebook in her hand.

Her phone went off almost immediately after she shut her locker, but after a moment of debate she left it.

I ended up following her again.

She's so cute when she's lost...


Turns out, she was also going to Home Ec. I knew today was going to be good, but I didn't think it would be this good. She went up and greeted Mr. Newgate and he pointed her to a seat near the front just as Luffy, one of the most obnoxious kids I know sat down in the other seat at that table. I rolled my eyes and went to the back where I sat last year and got out my notebook.

Stupid lucky bastard.

A/n~ Ope I smell jealousy! Killer has arrived and already knows (Y/n)? And he's already in deep...

Also triple update?! Who is this person?! (More like the first day is like 9 chapters and I don't wanna keep y'all hanging for that long)

Kamazo Killer - Unlocked!

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night!

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