I'm Here, I'm Sad, I Wanna Go Home

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Walking into the halls after a week felt odd. Not as if I didn't belong, but as if the energy of the school had shifted. Everyone seemed to look at me as if I had caused some form of chain reaction that made everything different. Unfortunately, I wouldn't doubt the possibility.

I strolled slowly to my locker, noting Drake was staring at me like some foreign entity. It was almost like he didn't believe I was even there. That was proven true as he placed his hand on my shoulder gently, pulling away as soon as he made contact. I turned to look at him as an odd look formed on his face.

"Did you need something, Drake?"

He simply shook his head before his hand came up to caress my cheek. "I just missed you is all," he nearly whispered. I shook my head, removing his hand from my cheek.

"I'm still upset with you. Those messages were completely uncalled for, Drake."

He let his head fall. "I'm sorry, I got jealous and overreacted. Let me try again, I promise nothing like that will happen again, Angel," he insisted, going to grab my wrist.

His advance was stopped by a pale hand.

"Drake, I believe the lady made herself clear," a deep voice called out. I glanced up at the new face, noting his long blond hair and the sharp three lines that served as his eyebrows. His grim expression took a softer tone as he turned to me. "My name is Hawkins, it's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n)."

"Nice to meet you?" I said hesitantly, wondering why he was standing up for me.

He slipped me a small piece of paper, nodded and made his way down the hall, dragging Drake behind him. I guess they know each other.

I shook my head, continuing on with my routine. I decided to read the note later since I only had five minutes to get to class. Rushing through the halls, I barely noticed the pairs of eyes watching my every move.


I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs in English, trying to recover from the uncomfortable atmosphere of Algebra. Ace and Sabo couldn't seem to keep their eyes off of me the whole period and not to mention the unwanted attention from Shanks for two whole periods.

I relaxed into the worn leather as I pulled out Poems and Short Stories by Edgar Allen Poe for our assignments this week, starting in with The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfall. The red jewels on my small ring shimmered in the light as I turned the page. Mr. Dracule hummed as he sipped his coffee in the corner grading papers from another class.

Everything was at peace.

The chair across from me let out a small squeak as someone sat down, pulling out their own book. I glanced up only to be met with the inquisitive ruby eyes of Ichiji. His hair was pulled into a low ponytail as he set his book in his lap.

I nodded to him, determined to continue reading.

He, however, didn't take the hint. He moved to the chair next to me and tapped my shoulder. "It's been a while since I've seen you, your highness," he whispered with a sly smile.

I sighed, looking over to him. "Will I ever live that down?" He shook his head. "Well, I guess it has," I responded, returning to my page.

"I see you're still wearing the ring, I'm glad you like it."

I simply nodded as I turned the page, letting the gems glint in the light of the room. "It's a nice ring, and it was a gift. Why wouldn't I wear it?"

He chuckled before opening his own book. "Well, you don't seem to wear Niji's gift very often. He seems to have taken offense," he countered.

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