Mondays, the Bane of the Week

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Thankfully, things seemed to have settled down between Sabo and Ace so there wasn't too much tension in Algebra, but the day just wouldn't end. I finally got to Home Ec. and sat down next to an excited Luffy. That's never a good sign in this class.

"Hey (Y/n)! Are you okay? You seem tired," he questioned. He put the back of his hand to my forehead to check my temperature. "No fever... are you hungry? I have some jerky from Sanji!" He passed me a piece and I hesitantly took a bite.

"Oh! This is really good! Kinda tough though," I trailed, gnawing on the small piece.

He cocked his head to the side. "Sanji says that's how it's supposed to be, did he give me bad jerky?"

"No, he probably made it tougher so it would last longer," I eased. "Also, why are you so excited today?" He was nodding along until I asked about how happy he was.

He turned to the side and pursed his lips before mumbling, "I wasn't excited."

"Luffy, you can't lie for the life of you. What's going on?"

He mumbled something quickly before smiling. "Me, Sabo, and Ace made a new brother pact this weekend! So I'm happy about that!" His cheeks were rosy as he tilted his head, staring at the board.

I nudged him gently with a smile on my face. "I'm glad they made up, and I'm glad you got included," I said as Mr. Newgate cleared his throat.

"Today we're learning how to make pasta, so clear off your tables!" he said excitedly. After we had done so he animatedly explained the basics and we got to work.


After making an absolute mess, Luffy and I eventually made an edible mess of strings. Mr. Newgate came over to examine them and picked one up.

"Good strength, length, and thickness," he mumbled. He pulled it lightly and it broke in half. "But also not too tough, well done you two!" He broke out in a smile. "You're free to go after you clean up," he chimed, walking over to another pair.

I nodded to myself with a small blush. He was quite attractive, and he seemed to be very passionate about pasta making, so his compliment meant a lot. Luffy was nervously glancing at the door as he scrambled to clean up.

"What's wrong Lu?" He froze and blushed. "Oh! I'm sorry, I should have asked to call you that!"

"It's fine! But can I call you Sunny then? You feel warm like the sun all the time!" He gave me a big grin and I couldn't tell him no. I nodded and he wrapped me in another hug, making the flour stuck to both of us poof up.

After a fit of giggles from our now white faces he continued, "I told my brothers I'd meet them in between classes, so I need to go, but I'll do all the cleaning next time! I promise!"

"Okay, just wash yourself up before you attack them with your hugs, okay?" He nodded before running out. By now I was the last one there, gently pushing the excess flour into the garbage.

Mr. Newgate walked up and sighed. "Did he leave you to clean all alone? I oughta-"

"It's okay Mr. Newgate! He said he had to meet up with Sabo and Ace and I have free hour after lunch so I'm not too worried," I piped up before he was dead set on chewing Luffy out.

He looked back at me with a genuine surprise. "I don't think I've seen anyone stand up for all three of those troublemakers. Well, miss (Y/n), let me help you at least." I gave him a wide smile and nodded as he went to grab the broom.

We worked in silence for some time, cleaning around each other in a small dance. He was careful not to bump into me when we ended up moving to the same spot as I made sure not to trip over his quick broom swipes.

After we were almost done he broke the comfortable quiet. "You know, I think you're the only student that calls me Mr. Newgate."

I turned to him in confusion. "Then what do they call you? That's your surname, isn't it?"

He chuckled. "Well, typically they call me Thatch. It's my first name. Mr. Newgate makes me feel like I'm old, or you're talking to my dad," he joked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," I murmured nervously.

"I'm not mad or anything! You didn't know and apparently none of the kids told you, so no worries," he eased as he went to put a hand on my shoulder.

I quickly moved it, making his face fall. "I, um-"

"No, that was on me. I didn't know you weren't comfortable with me doing that." He shifted and went to walk away before I grabbed his wrist.

"I have a lot of flour on that shoulder, I didn't want to waste our cleaning efforts," I joked, watching his face lift with an embarrassed blush. "Thank you for being considerate, but it's all good!"

He immediately relaxed as he patted my head. Surprisingly I caught a whiff of his smooth cologne. Sweet leather and... cedar? "You're something else, I hope we can get to know each other (Y/n)."

"I hope so too, Thatch."


Behind the door a certain blond was listening in. He wasn't happy about this new revelation in their relationship by any means, but he knew that by the end of the semester he'd be the only one in her heart.

A/n~ Gotta love Thatch ❤️ But who do you think the 'certain blond' is?

Thank you for reading! Have a great day/night!

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