Couch Living

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Shanks POV

I woke up with a groan and rolled over only to be met with the floor. Mondays are just perfect, aren't they? Shuffling to the kitchen with a hand on my sore nose, I stubbed my toe on the cabinets.

"Fuck!" I hissed, stumbling for the light switch in this damned kitchen. After blinding myself from the sudden light I looked around for the coffee maker. It didn't take long for me to start a pot and glance at the clock. The green LEDs read 4:00 as the machine dinged letting me know my hot drink was done.

I looked in Benn's stash and found a bottle of whiskey. Topping off the mug, I took a long drink and mildly burned my tongue.

"Can today just fuck off? I haven't even fully woken up..." I grumbled to myself. I looked back at the coffee maker to glare at it but stopped when I saw a sticky note.


If you burn your tongue on the coffee (more like lava) that this thing makes, put some sugar on it and let it set for like 15 sec. It helps!


I smiled and looked in the cupboard to see a jar of said sugar in front with a small spoon. And surprisingly it did work. It was a little numb but much better than dealing with a burn all day. I finished getting ready like usual and decided to fix some breakfast for once.

Apparently they had stocked up before he left, so making omelettes was a breeze. I made two, trying to think of what (Y/n) would like in hers. Deciding on (f/omelette filling), I whisked the eggs and fried everything together. I covered the plate and placed it in the microwave and wrote a small note telling her I made her food and that I'll see her in class.


I sat down at my desk with a sigh after hitting every red light known to man and almost getting ran over by someone running theirs. Dragging a hand over my face I reached for my phone as it dinged quietly.

Cutie- Thanks for breakfast! I hope your drive wasn't too bad, traffic sucks on Mondays

I immediately felt a smile come across my face. The door opened but I couldn't have cared less as I typed back.

Me- Of course, I was making myself one anyway :)
Me- And it wasn't too bad, but I'll keep that in mind for when I stay over

"Oh? Does the infamous playboy have a crush?"

I turned to see Mihawk standing at the door with two mugs of coffee. He had a subtle smirk as he passed me one of the white cups, eyeing my phone.

"No, she's just a friend. My friend's sister no less," I joked, still smiling at my phone. I turned to grab the mug and carefully took a sip.

"And the sky is red. Shanks I know damn well how you look at women and friends and that is not it." His stern voice brought me back down. "Be honest with yourself. Just because you're 39 doesn't mean you have to give up. Thatch and Marco haven't," he said with a playful sneer.

I laughed at that. "You have a point! They're well into their fourties' now, aren't they?"

She is my best friend's sister though. Maybe I shouldn't think of her like that.


The few days of living with (Y/n) has been heavenly, especially when I get to see her all sleepy. Her hair all mussed and still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She wore one of my shirts the last night because she needed to do laundry and I about had a heart attack.

She's too cute for my own good!

"Shanks?" I turned from the coffee table where I had some quizzes layed out to see her wearing my shirt again tonight. "Why are you still up? It's almost 1," she whined quietly.

I ruffled her hair as she curled up next to me on the couch. "I need to hand these back tomorrow, so I gotta get 'em done." She groaned and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I've just got a few more, go on back to bed (Y/n)," I murmured.

"No," she mumbled into my neck, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "You gotta sleep, cause you get up super early."

I sighed. She wasn't gonna give this one up. "Alright, fine. Let's get you back to bed first." I picked her up and made my way to the stairs, gently pushing her door open with my foot.

Her dark room was only lit by the moon, giving it a light blue glow. I layed her down gently but she didn't let go.

"What are you doing, (Y/n)? I need to go to bed silly," I chuckled as she pulled me close so I was bent awkwardly over her.

"I need... to make sure you... sleep..." she mumbled quietly. "Sleep with me... then I'll know..." She fell asleep mid sentence, but her grip didn't loosen.

After a few attempts of getting her hand unlatched from my shoulder, I gave up and crawled in. She quickly snuggled into my side, her head on my chest. Her hand was a little low on my stomach, but it was fine. She was asleep after all.

My heart picked up as she adjusted again, her hand now on my chest and her chest on my side. Squishing against me. And it felt good.

It has been a while...

This is bad.

My mind slowly filled with precarious thoughts of her. Supplemented by all of the subtle things she's done over the last week and a half that I've been close with her again, I couldn't even try to stop it.

Small whines from stubbing her toe turned into whimpers of need. Leaning over a desk and accidentally showing a little more cleavage than she probably intended turned into her leaning over me in just the bra I saw at a glance when she was doing laundry. And worst of all, her simply saying my name turned into her screaming it, calling out to me to go faster.

Lord help me, I wanna fuck my best friend's sister.

A/n~ Not the best friend's sibling trope, but it works so well! Anyway, pt. 2 of me loving Shanks!

Shanks Le Roux - Unlocked!

Have a great day/night!

EDIT: Holycrapijustreaizedthisbookhit1k. Thank you guys so much! I think this chap was a good point for that milestone too 😂

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