Orange Chicken

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I ended up falling asleep on the couch with Shanks, so getting up in the morning was difficult. We shifted so that he was laying along the back of the couch and I was laying next to him on the edge. You'd think that would make it easy for me to escape but instead that made him lock me in place with his arm around my waist and his one leg over mine so I wouldn't fall off.

It was touching that he thought of my well-being even as he snored loudly into my ear, but that didn't change the fact that I needed to pee.

I glanced at my phone. Apparently he put it on the charger last night but it read 10:17 on my lock screen. A photo of me and Benn sat behind the numbers with Shanks photobombing on the side with a dorky pout and a peace sign. I sighed as the homesickness that came with him leaving set in again.

I shoved the inching sadness aside with thoughts of food with Luffy as I slowly unwrapped myself from Shanks. I slipped my legs out first, letting my feet rest on the cool hardwood. Next was his iron lock of an arm. I started with getting his fingers to loosen up, slipping my hand over his. He switched his grip from my arm to my hand and gently curled his fingers in between mine. It was sweet, don't get me wrong, but it was going to make it harder later. I gently lifted his heavy arm from my chest and prayed he wouldn't wake up.

I held my breath as he shifted. He grumbled a little but his snores returned full force after just a moment. I slipped out from his now loosened hold and began to pry apart our hands.

"(Y/n)?" Shanks mumbled sleepily.

I froze as his eyes cracked open. I don't have time for his chronic morning cuddles! "Hey Shanks, just going to the bathroom," I whispered.

"Mmmmn, fiiiiine. Come back, though," he groaned, letting go of my hand.

That was easier than I thought...

I scampered up the stairs to my bathroom and started my morning routine. I brushed out my hair, styling it out of the way, and did some light makeup. I went into my room and looked in the closet. The question now was what to wear.

I pulled out a few outfits. Pants were a definite yes with the chilly weather so I pulled out a pair of black distressed jeans. They had a stretchy waistband, perfect for a buffet. I went to go look at shirts and maybe a light jacket as my phone rang.

I picked it up and put it to my ear while I looked for a good shirt. "Hello?"

"Hey Sunny! Just wondering if you were ready to go yet!" Luffy's voice rang out.

A smile lit up my features as I heard his excitement. "Not quite! Still looking for a shirt," I chuckled.

He let out a hum, I guess seriously thinking about it. "Well, I think you look good in everything I've seen you wear. What about that shirt from gender swap day? That one is nice!"

"Oh! That is a good one!" I cheered as I pulled out the black long sleeve turtleneck. "I should be ready in about fifteen minutes as long as Shanks doesn't throw a fit," I joked.

"Why would he throw a fit? Is he there?" he asked, surprisingly a little irritated.

I paused for a moment. "Well, yeah, he's been looking after me for Benn. But he's got this need for morning hugs so he throws a little fit when he doesn't get any," I gain with a small giggle.

He hummed again. "Well I guess as long as I can still take you to the buffet I don't mind. Make sure he can't stop you!" he chimed in his usual happy tone.

I let out a giggle and nodded before chiming back, "Aye-aye, Cap'n!"

We both dissolved into giggles as we ended the call, and I slipped into my new outfit. I threw on a brown belt and slipped my phone and wallet in my pockets. Men's pants for the win!

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