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Getting out of bed seemed impossible. My dreams were empty and meaningless, but sleep came in sparse spurts. Not to mention the impending dread of running into Hendrix. All of it together was almost enough to stop me from going, but I still had shit to do.

I dragged myself out of bed to find my uniform still crumpled on the ground. I let out a deep sigh and picked it up, shaking the dust from it. I slipped into the outfit slowly and walked into the bathroom.

As soon as I saw myself in the mirror I nearly cried. My hair was tangled and messy and deep purple marks marred my neck. I felt his hands again and froze, quickly patting myself down to get the feeling off.

I hurried to cover the marks. The now faint purple wouldn't seem to disappear from my vision until I blinked, seeing that they were well covered.

It's official, I'm going insane.

I let out another sigh and started in on my hair. Luckily it seemed to like me today and cooperated mostly, short of a few flyaways. I passed on makeup and put in the earrings Yonji gave me and my converse.

Now to face the beast of the day.


The sub didn't do much since Shanks never has a plan for Homeroom, but Hendrix and Drake were nowhere to be found. I thanked Fate and her ways before Algebra started.

I was shifting around my bag since I didn't get a chance to stop by my locker when Sabo and Ace made their way to their seats. Sabo looked about ready to burst with nervous energy as I pulled out my Algebra book. I remembered I had a smokey quartz bracelet somewhere and looked for it as they mumbled to each other.

"Calm down... gonna be okay!"

"But what if-"

"No... forest... no one goes there."

"Still... lots of... and it's not like..."

"It'll be fine."

I gently tapped Sabo's shoulder as he jumped. I handed him the bracelet and explained quietly, "It's to help with anxiety, I could feel it over here. Whatever is bothering you isn't ever as bad as you think it is."

He flushed slightly and nodded, mumbling, "If you keep this up, I'll have to keep you."

I let out a small giggle. "You'd have to catch me first."

He gave me a smirk and a wink as he slipped the bracelet on. "Challenge accepted."

"Gross, please keep that not in front of me," Ace whined.

"You're already in a relationship and you think that's gross? C'mon dude," I teased.

He just shrugged as the teacher started class.


Lunch was uneventful until my phone went off. I looked down, confused until I saw the caller ID.

Big Bro

I sprinted to the bathroom and answered as soon as I could. "Benn? What's wrong? I thought you couldn't contact me until you got home?"

"I need you to come get me out. I got found out somehow and now I'm on the run from the Big Mom Family."

A few gunshots punctuated his sentence, almost proving his point. "Okay, Shanks is out but I'll be there as soon as I can. What's the rendezvous?" I asked, letting my work persona take hold.

"Behind the Chateau, I'll meet you in 6 hours." I have an affirmative grunt as he hung up and walked out of the bathroom.

Sabo immediately ran into me throwing me to the side, but he caught me with a hand around my waist. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" he panicked.

"I'm fine, no need to worry your pretty blond head," I joked as I righted myself.

"Still! I didn't hit you too hard, did I?"

"Nope, just caught me off balance," I reassured him. "I do need to get going though, Benn needs me to go pick him up from his trip. I guess they don't do taxis out there," I mumbled, lying partially.

Sabo looked surprised for a moment before nodding. "Do you need a road trip buddy? I wouldn't mind keeping you up, since it sounds like he's a ways away," he offered.

I shook my head. "No, I'll be okay. But if you could grab my schoolwork for the rest of the day that'd be great," I countered.

He agreed but was a bit sad for some reason as he walked away, but I figured it served him right for leaving me that night. I shook off the small guilt from lying as I made my way to Roci's office to let him know the situation. He wasn't there so I left a note.


Benn needs some help so I'll be out for a bit. Might take two days at max, but I don't know what I'm walking into. Have a great night and I'll see you soon!


Little did I know just what I was walking into.

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