Dearly Departed

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Three days.

I stayed still as the dead in Benn's room for three days. Not answering my now long dead phone, not eating, nothing. Simply existing in the moment, wishing he would walk through the door when surprisingly someone did.

"Peng?" I asked, cringing at my cracking voice.

"(Y/n)?! Oh my god, what happened?" He rushed over to my no doubt disgusting form.

Having no tears left in me, I shrugged. "My brother, he died on his trip. Bad accident."

He gently rubbed my shoulder, clearly trying to think of something to say. "I- I'm sorry. I should have come sooner."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Peng. I haven't answered anyone. You at least showed up," I joked with a strained laugh.

He found my phone laying just out of my arm's reach on the bed, attempting to turn it on. Discovering it was in fact dead, he excused himself quickly. When he came back he had a mug and a few pieces of toast.

"I put your phone on a charger and made you this. You look like you haven't eaten in days and you've been missing from school for a week. You gotta take care of yourself, yome-chan."

I buried my head into the pillows, refusing.

"(Y/n), don't make me force feed you."

I let out a sigh and tried to sit up, but found myself too weak. "I- I can't get up," I whispered in slight disbelief.

"How long have you been laying there?" he asked quietly.

"Three, I think."


I shook my head.

"Holy shit... (Y/n)," he mumbled. He gently pulled me into his lap, resting me against his chest. "C'mon, I'll help."

I nodded as he fed me the toast that he buttered and sprinkled cinnamon sugar on. He slowly made me sip the lukewarm (coffee/tea/coco) that he made up as he nursed me back to health. All the while, he rubbed my back and pressed a few points on my spine and between my shoulder blades. Slowly I regained feeling and a little strength in my limbs.

"Thanks, I'm sorry you had to see me like this," I whispered as I looked up at him.

"It's nothing to apologize for, but I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. You don't need to go through this alone. I'm here for you, always."

I nodded leaning on him even more. He set the half empty mug and empty plate on the nightstand before wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

"You're the first person to ever see me as me and not an extension of Law, and I want to repay that favor. You're so much more than what you boil yourself down to for everyone else. It's okay to be angry and depressed and actually happy. Let it out," he assured, holding me close.

"I could have saved him. If I was a little faster- I was there, right there. If I just moved I could have saved him and none of this would have happened." I felt what seemed like me trying to cry but I was too dehydrated to form any. "It's not fair Peng. He could have gotten out of the way if I wasn't there. If he wasn't so focused on getting me out of the way he would have been okay," I sobbed.

"He just wanted you to be safe. And I thank him for that, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"But I don't know what I'm going to do without him!"

He pulled me closer. "We'll figure it out, I promise."


Turns out Shanks had texted me last night about the funeral. It was going to be in an hour so I pieced myself together well enough to go out in public. After a well deserved shower I styled my hair up, doing my best to look okay.

Slipping on a black turtleneck and some slacks, I decided to do a little eye makeup to make me look less dead. A black smokey eye and waterproof mascara decorated my sullen expression.

Penguin stepped up behind me in a nice black button up and slacks and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You ready?"

I nodded, leaning against him. "As ready as I can be, putting an empty casket in the ground and pretending it's him."

He sighed before taking one of my hands in his. He gently kissed my ring finger and held it to my chest. "We'll make it through this, and I'll be there every step of the way. I promise."

I nodded again before turning into him and wrapping him in a hug. "You're the best. I guess we should get going," I murmured.

He seemed to have heard me as he led me out to his little grey Subaru and opened the door for me. After he got in he rested his hand on mine and gave it an assuring squeeze before driving to the cemetery.


The skies were dark with unshed rain as we made the march to Benn's soon to be grave. The wind howled through the trees and whipped out clothes, reflecting the inner pain of the four standing before the hole. Lucky-Roo stood with his head bowed, his usual jolly demeanor nowhere to be found. Yassop even traded his usual outfit for a suit, gripping a wind-swept lily tightly.

Shanks wasn't present.

Yassop said it was the business deal Benn lost his life for that held him up, but something was nagging at me that it was something else.

Lucky-Roo and Yassop gently lowered the box into the open grave, letting the reality of it sink in for the fourth time. This was the end, no more hoping, no more begging, just the reality of him being gone.

It made it oddly real, an empty box in the ground.

I stood at the foot of his grave, feeling the first drops of rain patter my shoulders. "Why couldn't you have come back?" I whispered, knowing I'd get no response.

The memory of his hand patting my head was all I could muster up to comfort myself as I pulled my shoulders in, letting the last of my tears fall with the soft rain.

A/n~ Another dump of chapters! Go hydrate and give yourself some love after these sad ass chaps ❤️

Have a great day/night!

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