The Struggles of Adulting and Being a Teen

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After spending the night at Peng's, he dropped me back off at my house so I could get ready for school. I ran up to the bathroom first since I felt something off and to no surprise I was right. I rolled my eyes and sighed before grabbing my box of tampons and handling it.

Well, at least I know I'm in the clear from last night...

I made sure to grab my little pouch of supplies and popped a few ibuprofen before hurrying to get dressed in a fresh uniform. I did a small amount of makeup to hide my obviously paling complexion--and the evidence of last night--and styled my hair in a simple (set of bobby-pins/ponytail/bun). After grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge and my wallet off the counter I jogged back out to Peng's car and flopped in the passenger seat.

"You okay? You were looking a little under the weather," he asked as I moved my bag between my legs.

I glanced at him and smiled before brushing it off. "I'm fine, no worries. Anyway, we woke up late thanks to someone refusing to get out of bed this morning, so we're gonna be late if you don't go now," I half-scolded as I clicked my seatbelt in place.

He let out a soft chuckle before shifting the car into gear and pulled out into the road, cutting through a few back roads to cut down on time. We made it with a few minutes to spare so he decided to show off and back into his parking spot. As he reversed the car, he rested his hand on the back of my headrest to look behind us. I couldn't help but notice the way his neck tensed as he turned his head, flashing a light bruise I may have left last night. 

Damn. That's hot.

After he threw the car in park he moved his hand from the headrest to my thigh and gave it a little squeeze. I looked up at him as he took off his hat and put it between my face and the windshield as he snuck a quick peck on my lips. 

I felt my cheeks light up as he whispered, "You got this, Yome-chan, just like any other day."

I gave him a small smile and pushed his face away playfully. "Thanks," I mumbled before slipping out of the car.


The end of the day couldn't come fast enough. As though my mind wasn't jumbled enough, Shanks had returned and announced the incoming Mid-Terms I completely forgot about. I couldn't bring myself to skip class in case I missed something, but I did my best to hide behind the boys. From the worried glances of Sabo and the heated glares between Sabo and Shanks and Kidd and Sabo, I figured it would have been worse if I hadn't been there. I slowly put together my thoughts as I grabbed my wallet and my phone out of my locker as lunch rolled around.

No clue why Kidd is pissed at Sabo though... unless Killer-

A wave of horror washed over me as I sped through the halls in an effort to get to the roof. I was going to find Killer, grill him for answers, and then hide in the shadows of class until I could run home. Peng was a huge help but no matter how I look at it, it's a shit situation and I'm in the center of it.

I sprinted up the stairs to the roof and flung open the door. "Killer! You up here?" I hollered as I looked around.

I turned to see him walking out of the shade behind the stairwell. "What happened to calling me Kama? Or did I do something to make you this upset?" he asked with a frown. He stalked up to me and brushed the baby hairs that had gotten messed up out of my face and held my cheeks gently.

Letting out a heavy sigh I leaned into his palms. "That depends on if you told anyone about the Halloween issue. I don't think you would, but I have a hunch Kidd knows since he was oddly hostile to Sabo all through Math." I took a deep breath before continuing, "I just don't want anyone to know and with everything happening I just want some peace and quiet."

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