I Really Shouldn't Be Doing This

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Coby POV

It all started the day of the Homecoming game. 

That's when this sick obsession started. 

Well, at that point it was just an interest in a pretty girl.


I was nearly shaking in my cleats as we made our way onto the field. I looked over the intimidating team standing across from us and sighed, trying to get my wits about me as their glares pierced through me. I didn't dare look at my own side knowing that Garp and Helmeppo would be staring me down. I knew they were rooting for me but they were always so damn intense about it. It started feeling overbearing at some point and did exactly the opposite for my nerves.

I decided to take a chance and look at the "enemy school" as the principle liked to call them. I scanned over the cheering crowd as Luffy yelled out.


My eyes were almost immediately brought up to an absolutely beautiful woman who smiled down brightly while waving to her team. Or rather to Luffy. It seemed to die down for a second before she sat back down, her (h/l) hair moving slightly in the breeze. Her eyes seemed to meet mine for a split second and a bright blush took over my cheeks--if the pink reflecting in my sight was anything to go by.

The opposing captain, Drake Diez, cleared his throat. I quickly whipped my head to meet his gaze as he held out his hand. I reminded myself that this was just any other game and I had to be a solid captain for my over-eager team. I grasped his hand firmly and shook it.

"Let's have a good game, Diez," I said, surprisingly feeling confident knowing that the 'Sunny' girl was watching.

He scoffed, surprising me. "We'll be the winners tonight, I made a promise to my angel," he nearly growled.

He nearly threw my hand down as he walked back over to his team. I glanced back at the girl and all thoughts of Diez and his intimidation nearly left my mind as I saw her watching their kicker, Sanji, line up.


I felt like I was playing pretty well even if we were struggling, but my teammates heads weren't in it. The score board loomed over with the red numbers that irritated them to no end.

A shining 26 sitting under a sign that read 'HOME', and a slightly dim 19 sat under the 'GUEST' sign. 

I tuned out Coach Hina's lecture as I stared over to Grand Line High's bench area. I watched the team swarm around that (h/c) haired girl from earlier. She smiled brightly as one of Luffy's brothers spun her around before she was snatched by the tall red-haired linebacker and placed on his shoulder.

I let out a sigh. I had no chance.

Then I noticed Drake pull her off of the linebacker's shoulder and hug her to his side with a smile. She was his 'angel'? I shook my head, rubbing my face with my gloved hands as I watched her from over my fingers.

 She had a boyfriend. She had a football captain boyfriend.

Sure I was one too, but I was more of a brain than a brawn and Drake Diez was clearly the opposite. I was just a nerd trying to be a police officer one day. She was too pretty for me. Too popular for me. Fullbody made sure I knew that in my own school, I didn't need some jock from our rival school to remind me all over again.

But for some reason I still wanted to get to know her. Luffy seemed to be friends with her so she must have been a good person, and the guys didn't seem to try to make her pick a favorite so I didn't think she was like the narcissistic girls on my school's cheer squad. She was just there like the beam of sunshine she was.

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