WTFIEHATP - How I Slowly Lose My Mind

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I looked toward the noise and was surprised to see the last person I'd expect to see in the neighborhood I grew up in. Rather the last people I thought I'd see.

Charlotte Katakuri, Charlotte Cracker, and Charlotte Smoothie?

I tried to turn my head away as quickly as possible, not wanting to be recognized while on the verge of sobbing, but when was I ever that lucky? Even the yelling of his little brother couldn't distract him apparently as we made brief eye contact. Cracker's rough voice was quickly silenced as I fully turned away and tried to hurry to the front door.

"(Y/n), I thought I told you to call me if you needed anything," his deep voice scolded, suddenly much closer than he was before.

I turned to look at him, trying to blink away the tears that still sat in my eyes unshed, but they only ran down my cheeks. His gaze seemed surprised as I tried to furiously wipe them away. He let one of his large hands settle on top of my head and turned away, looking to his siblings I assumed.

"We can continue this conversation later, and it hasn't been decided on entirely yet. Think of it as a job, Cracker," he explained carefully, but I figured I could guess what he meant. It was probably a sort of stake-out and execute type assignment, not to unlike what I used to do for Shanks and the crew.

Key phrase, used to. Stop thinking about it, (Y/n), Benn would want you to get a normal person job and-

Katakuri pulled me into his side, snapping me out of my thoughts. I gently stepped away before speaking up.

"It seems you always catch me at my worst. I promise I'm much more capable than this," I joked sadly, wiping my continuously flowing tears. "Just in a tough spot."

He nodded and pat my head again. "You don't need to make excuses, it hasn't even been two weeks." His voice was a little more gravely than I remembered it, but it was a comfort all the same. "Have you eaten? You look like you've lost some weight."

I looked up at him, surprised for a moment that he would have noticed. I went to make a joke but froze as I really thought about it. Then I realized it had been over a day. I didn't even finish my food at that time either. If I wasn't running from someone, Penguin was... distracting me.

"I'll take that as a no."

I chuckled nervously, "Things have been, well, y'know. But I'll go eat and figure something out. No big deal." 

My dismissing seemed to do absolutely nothing as he placed an arm around my shoulders and herded me to a sleek black sports car, I managed to read the word GranTurisimo on the trunk before he gently pushed me into a black leather seat. I barely registered any of my surroundings before he settled next to me in the driver's seat and gestured for me to buckle my seatbelt.

"What- Why? I-"

"I'm taking you to dinner, making sure you eat, and then you're going to tell me what's bothering you so much you'd cry in the middle of the sidewalk. I don't think I'd be able to sleep tonight if I don't do at least this much," he reasoned.

I sighed in resignation as I clicked the buckle in place. "You know whatever you feel you owe to my brother ended when you brought me home. You don't have to keep doing this sort of thing for a girl you don't even know."

If he ever found out who I am or what Benn was there to do, I don't think I'd be able to fight him.

It was his turn to sigh. "I know, and I do know you. You're (Y/n) Beckmann, Senior at Grand Line High, you live just behind us in that beige two-story house, you used to work as an assassin for the Red Hair Gang-- or at least I assume it's a used to--" my breath caught in my throat as I stared through the windshield, debating how to run, "and you just lost your only family two weeks ago."

He gently set a hand on my knee before he continued, "I haven't told anyone anything other than I have taken you under my wing, not as a part of the Family. I don't care if you knew what Benn was doing, I don't think you were on the assignment with him anyway, but I don't want you to think you have to hide anything from me."

He squeezed my knee before he started the car, the roar of the engine snapping my brain into action as he pulled onto the road.

Shitshitshitshitshit- What the hell, he knows I worked for the enemy but he's taking me to dinner? Is he trying to get my guard down? This was a terrible idea, I should have run the second I saw those three! What do I do? Running isn't an option... do I just give him what he wants? My weak points? But he already seems to know all of them. What-

I glanced at him, his dark eyes and sharp gaze were focused on the road while his scarf obscured everything else on his face, before I took a deep breath. "I don't get it. I may not have been on the assignment, but I was the de-facto extraction team and that could have posed just as much of a threat. Why are you hiding me from your boss- no, your mother?" I let out a shaky breath as I clenched my jaw, waiting.

He slowed the car to a stop at the light and turned to me, grabbing my face to make me meet his eyes. "Because, (Y/n). I don't make irrational decisions that could put the Family at risk. I don't glance twice at sob stories. I always do my absolute best to be the best, and I loathe showing weakness." He took a breath as his eyes and grip on my chin softened. "But you are an exception to all of those rules. I feel at peace next to you for some reason, so allow me to take care of you."

He rubbed his thumb over my cheek and I realized I was crying again.

"Okay," was all that I whispered as the light turned green.

Charlotte Katakuri - Unlocked

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