Turns Out, Snakes Can't Go Backwards

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Rape! Marked with * at beginning and end!

The night was pretty uneventful other than another pizza order and a movie night that bled into the morning when we woke up on the couch. The day passed quickly so party prep began.

I slipped into the red and black dress, adjusting the details so it would look right before styling my hair in a more wild look than usual. Dark eyeshadow decorated my eyes and a black lip topped off the look. I walked to my closet and settled on some black, knee-high boots with a small heel. After zipping them up I walked downstairs to be met with Sabo dressed in an open black shirt, a muzzle, and a collar.

"What happened to the ears? And where did you find those?"

"I left the ears in my car," he said nervously, "and you had a box of dog stuff in the spare room. Sorry for snooping."

"No worries! Those should have been on the top anyway," I commented calmly. Inside I was freaking out.

Those are from my old costume from when I started out in the gang. If he looked too far down he would have found my old weapons. I need to be more careful.

"I'll move the box later, we use the spare for storage sometimes," I explained.

He nodded as we headed out to the truck. The party was on the outskirts of town in an old house that Hendrix rented, so we headed out early to get there close to the start.

First high school party, here I come!


Seems like it started earlier than I thought since the party was in full swing when we got there. Some phonk music was blasting through the speakers when we walked in, a few people sniffing pink powder, and drinks were being passed from person to person. Someone mentioned bongs being upstairs and I spotted Law over in the corner.

He nodded when he spotted me and I gave him a shy wave. This was more than I was prepared for, but not more than I expected from Hendrix's crowd. Sabo seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the looks he was gaining from a group of girls, so he threw an arm around my shoulder and got close.

"You sure this is the place?" he asked into my ear.

I leaned into his to respond when Hendrix himself walked in, giving me a lustful once-over. "Look who it is! The lady of the hour! C'mon! I'll get you something to drink!" he shouted as another song started.

I pulled Sabo along and met Hendrix at the makeshift bar. As we sat down he passed me something fruity and nodded. I took a sip and smiled. It was amazing and tasted strong. "What is this?"

"Jungle Juice! The fruits are the best!" he replied over the creepy techno of the song. "Don't eat too many though! They'll get you trashed!" he joked.

I gave Sabo my keys, trusting him to be my conscience tonight. "Don't let me drive tonight, I doubt Hendrix will let me leave sober," I spoke into his ear, feeling him shiver. He nodded as I took another sip.

A girl in a dark hijab tumbled through the crowd and nearly rammed into the counter. "One cup, please!" she asked the bartender. He nodded, passing her a red cup he just filled. She looked over and smiled. "Hi! I'm Rand! You must be...?"

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