Achievement Unlocked: Mid-Life Crisis

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The dinner with Katakuri was one of the most calming moments I've had since everything happened -- but like all good things it seemed to end too fast. He offered to help with my house situation which only made me feel guilty. I couldn't bring myself to accept it.  I thought that if I couldn't handle this by myself I wasn't ready to be an adult anyway.

The next morning I woke up to a bill for a minimum of $1,250 and a 30 day notice for eviction.

To say I sobbed would be an understatement. I couldn't even be bothered to care about my appearance as I wandered into school with red, puffy eyes, no makeup in sight, and my uniform wrinkled to hell. I avoided the gazes of everyone, no matter how many 'are you okay's I heard from the guys. I trudged through the day until the lunch bell rang.

The first to snap me out of it was Koala.

"(Y/n), what happened?! You left school for a week, came back and avoided almost everyone you know, and now you look- well you look like shit, hun," she worried after pulling me into an empty bathroom.

I looked into her huge brown eyes and chuckled dryly. "Yeah, um, well..."

She pulled me into a hug, burying her face into the crook of my neck. "You can tell me whatever you need to, I won't tell a soul."

I hugged her back and whispered, "I'm gonna be homeless in a month."

"What?!" she shouted, pulling back and looking into my eyes. All I could do was nod. "Oh my god, what- how-" She stopped for a moment before she settled on, "What are you gonna do?"

"My best?" I joked, sighing as I looked up at the water-stained ceiling tiles. "I'm looking for work but I have to focus on school too, especially with tests being around the corner, and the bill is- it doesn't matter, I'll be okay either way. I'm sure if nothing else I can convince Penguin or Killer to let me crash at their places since they're never there." I looked back at Koala, noticing her worried gaze. "I promise, I'll be okay."

She nodded before she gave me another tight hug and mumbled, "If you need help, I'm here."


I ducked under the willow in the courtyard and pulled out my phone, waiting. I kept glancing up at the slightest noises to no avail until finally I had company. Penguin pulled aside the drooping branches first but froze and mirrored the look on Law's face.

Pure surprise.

It had been a minute since I had come to hang out under the tree but I guess it was longer than I thought. They quickly slipped behind the cover of the branches before Law crouched in front of me. He seemed to examine me before he opened his mouth.

"Anemic, sleep deprived, and excessively stressed. I'll be back," he muttered before standing and walking out of the green.

I looked to Peng before bursting into laughter. "Damn, I just got diagnosed," I joked.

He plopped down next to me and checked my temperature with the back of his hand. "What's wrong, Yome-chan? You were fine- well, okay yesterday."

My laughter died down almost as fast as it started. "I think if you don't hug me right now, I might fall apart," I confessed quietly.

There was a silent beat before I went to crack a joke about how I was kidding, but instead I was yanked into his lap and he held my head against his chest. He rubbed small circles on my lower back as he rocked me back and forth. I couldn't help but curl into his warmth and inhale his shitty Axe body spray with just a hint of antiseptic and metal.

"Can we, maybe, make the day before yesterday's activities... I don't know, never-"

"Yome-chan, of course. I told you that I was here however you needed me," he whispered into my scalp. "You wanna meet up tonight, or-"

"Tonight, please," I said, immediately feeling ashamed. "You sure you're okay with this? I'm literally using you."

He laughed and I felt it in my own chest. "I might be using you too, y'know. I'm a horny teenage boy after all~" he teased.

I smacked him lightly as I pushed away, giving him a fake shocked expression. "How dare you!" I joked. I started to giggle as I scooted back to my spot against the trunk of the willow. "Thanks, Peng."

I glanced over to the drooping branches right before Law pushed them aside, holding a Gatorade, a blanket- and a gumdrop? I looked at him confused as he passed all three to me and sat next to me. Law looked to Peng, nodding to outside of the covering. He left begrudgingly after taking a long look at me and heaving a sigh.

"The gummy is CBD, it'll put you to sleep. This should help at least a little so rest. I'll wake you up for classes," Law explained in a soft but clipped tone. It was how he talked to everyone, but it felt more gentle than it used to.

I nodded before chewing up the (fav/fruit) flavored gummy and chugging the blue Gatorade. The blanket was thin but warm, and he threw it over himself as well, sharing his warmth with me as I dozed on his shoulder. His arm had found it's way around my shoulders as I got a bit more comfortable against the hard bark.

"Thanks, Law," I hummed as I closed my eyes.

I could have sworn I heard him mumble, "Ten."

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