There are Weirder Ways to Learn About Her

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Lemon? (Marked with *)


"Tuci, sativa and indica, and a vial of Liquid X. Hendrix really is having a rager tonight," Penguin commented as he loaded everything into the back of the van.

"You could tell that from the Tuci alone," Shachi added. "Molly, ecstasy, ketamine, and oxy? All in one powder no less."

"He's paying out the ass for it, so I don't care. You guys staying here?" I asked.

Shachi nodded. "Yeah, there's a lead I want to check on. It's a personal one."

"And I'm making sure he doesn't kill himself over it," Penguin chimed.

I nodded, sliding into the drivers seat. "Don't stay up for me, I have no idea when he'll pay the rest." The gave me a salute as I rolled out of the driveway and off to the party.


He payed me as soon as I had gotten there, but I caught wind of (Y/n) coming to the party so I decided to stick around. As soon as she walked in I was wrapped in a familiar warmth from her presence. It made all of the women falling over me slightly more bearable.

She met my gaze as I sent her a nod. She seemed to blush lightly as she gave me an adorably shy wave. I almost stood to meet her when I saw that blond dolt, Sabo, wrap his arm around her. My fingered twitched before I realized something.

I can learn about her through this.

I decided to shadow her all night, watching her talk with Hendrix who shot me an odd look, and then a girl dressed in a hijab, then back with Hendrix. I watched as he emptied the vial of Liquid X into her drink as I ran through what exactly it was.

Liquid X, or GHB, a depressant typically used to treat narcolepsy that causes mild paralysis in others as well as headaches, dizziness, and occasional drowsiness. Commonly used as a date rape drug.

She didn't notice as he spoke to her, handing her the drink that she decided to chug. I felt a small amount of anger as his smile turned sinister but remembered that I was a student in this situation, learning.


I followed them upstairs, slipping into the bathroom unnoticed. I left the door cracked just enough so that I could watch her and not see his ugly mug. He bit her, injecting her with some form of venom. I ran a quick scan to find it was a form of aphrodisiac and had no negative health effects. As he groped her I felt hot, seeing her in all of her glory.

With her soft skin under his hands, I couldn't help but wonder what she felt like. I also couldn't seem to help my wandering hand that made its way down into my tightening pants. I slowly stroked my dick in time with her pained noises, the muffled yells and cries, and when her body reluctantly gave into the strong aphrodisiac they sounded sweet as honey.

The way her body shifted like she was trying to get away down to the crystal tears that fell down her cheeks, it was all so alluring. She looked almost as beautiful as the day I first met her and I couldn't help the low groan that trickled out when I came on the wall.

I let a sick smile come across my face as I saw her passed out, Hendrix nowhere to be seen. She was out cold.

It wouldn't be so wrong to feel her without her knowing, just this once. Right?

I shambled his excretions off of her perfect body, planning to replace it all with my own. I made sure she was completely out before I began, gently caressing her soft (s/t) skin, relishing in how warm it was against my cold hands. Her vagina was still displayed from her last position so running a finger over the wet hole was almost impossible to pass up. One thing led to another and I was invested in making her unconscious body come for me.

"Just for me, come just for me, my remedy," I whispered lowly.

Almost like her body understood the order, she came over my fingers. I lapped it up like it was my first meal as I nearly got addicted to the sweet but salty taste. I began to lap her cum from the source and found her warm walls nearly sucking my tongue in. I pulled away before making good on my plan to replace his cum with mine.

I nearly came as I slowly slid into her core. Her warmth and tightness were almost too much as I leaned over her peaceful body.

"God, you feel so good." I buried my nose in her neck, getting lost in everything about her. "You are too good. You're mine."

I moved after a moment. The shivers the feeling gave me shook me to my core. I had to fight off my high as I rammed into her, enjoying every second of her tight pussy sucking me back in for more.

Finally I couldn't fight it any longer. I came as deeply inside of her as I could, sure I was hitting her cervix. There was so much, it spilled out around me and onto the sheets.


After I pulled out, I picked up some of it with my finger and wrote out my name across her stomach and rubbed it in. I smiled at the mess I made of her before I realized just how long I was fucking her.

It was nearly 3 AM as I made my escape.

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