Karma? Too Fuckin Slow

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A/n - WHY DOES NO ONE DRAW HIM MAD- Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled yanderes...

Thatch POV

As (Y/n) left the lounge to go home, she sent me a shy wave and a smile. I hated seeing her leave with such puffy, red eyes but I was the dumbass that asked if she wanted space. However, as soon as that door shut my smile dropped and my jaw clenched. I didn't know anything about her. Not the slightest clue other than her acting a bit off since Halloween.

Not. A. Clue.

I was livid, just knowing that Shanks of all people would take advantage of such a sweet and caring girl. I was livid that my own brother left her alone after such a traumatic event. Livid was a much too mild word for any of it, in all honesty. I was ready to destroy something. Or someone.

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text.

Me: Sabo, we need to have a talk.

I then pulled up another number, one that made me sick to my stomach at the idea I even had it in my phone at this point. I took a deep breath in order to calm myself before I hit the little phone icon to call the bastard.

"Ye-llo! What's up Pompadour?"

I grit my teeth and remembered why I called this asshole. "Hey, Shanks! Just wondering if you could swing by my restaurant here in a bit, wanted to have a little chat and have you test something for me," I said, forcing my tone to be as calm as possible.

"Free food? I'm in!" he responded with a laugh. "When did you want me there?"

I glanced out of the window, seeing the sun slowly getting to the horizon. "Maybe in about two hours? I need to get some things around and talk to Sabo first, so take your time," I responded with as much fake happiness as I could.

There was a little bit of shuffling on his end and a pained groan in the background. "I should be able to finish this in two hours, so I'll see you then," he agreed.

We said some quick goodbyes and hung up. I looked back at my phone to see a text from the little brother I texted earlier.

Blue Dumbass: Okay? What's up? Do I need to come to you or call?

I responded quickly with slightly trembling hands.

Me: I'll see you at home.
Me: It's about the Halloween party.
Me: You're in deep shit.

Blue Dumbass: I can explain, I promise! Just don't tell Pops, please

I grit my teeth and put my phone away, grabbing my jacket and my keys.

Pops is the last thing he needs to worry about right now.


I slammed my car door shut and walked into the gaudy house I used to call home.

I strode into the living room where all three of the youngest sat on the couches worrying at their fingers and whispering. I stood in the archway and cleared my throat, glaring at Sabo. Before I could even open my mouth, Ace and Luffy jumped up from their seats and stood in front of him.

"Thatch! If you're gonna get Sabo in trouble, you gotta get us too!" Ace yelled, throwing his hand in front of Sabo like he was blocking him.

Luffy was next to speak, a little more angry. "You can't even be mad at us for it! He deserved it!"

"Stop!" I yelled. "What in the seven hells are y'all even fucking talkin' about? I'm pissed at the fact he ditched a socially clueless woman at a shady ass party! Were you two there? Did you leave her there, too? If not then shut the hell up and sit the fuck down!"

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