⚠️Warnings! And an Introduction⚠️

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Warnings for this book:
-YANDERES (it's in the title but not everyone reads those)
-Blood and Gore
-Language (Many of the characters curse, and so do I)
-Rape (will be marked at the top and not mentioned in detail later)
-Major Depression
-Suicide Attempt and Brief Reference
-Substance Use
-Hinted Grooming
-Consensual Adult Content
-Stockholm Syndrome
-Witchcraft (because I know people get weird about witches)

This is just a generally fucked up story. That being said, do NOT romanticize real life yanderes! The concept is beautiful in fiction but terrible in reality, so let's not do that! And also, large age gaps like teacher/student relationships in romance is also a bad idea! It's also illegal, but that doesn't always stop people. Please don't do that or at least wait until you've experienced some adult life!

(Y/n) will be an eclectic witch, so if you don't like that or don't like my views and uses of the practices, please leave or keep it to yourself (with love). And no, there won't be any Harry Potter-esque magic... probably. Not all of the things mentioned will be my personal beliefs, so don't come at me please!

Now that I've gotten out all of the warnings ect...

On to the fun stuff! To the characters that have some sort of close relationship to the reader!

Our Yanderes:

- Katakuri - Friendly Neighborhood Donut Lover

- Coby - Police Officer in Training

- Shanks - Homeroom and Algebra II Teacher

- Thatch - Home Ec. Teacher

- Marco - Art Teacher

- Drake - Fourth Year

- Ace - Third Year

- Sabo - Third Year

- Killer - Third Year

- Hawkins - Third Year

- Law - Second Year

- Penguin - Second Year

- Ichiji - Second Year

- Niji - Second Year

- Sanji - Second Year

- Yonji - Second Year

- Luffy - First Year

Our 'Not' Yanderes:

- Benn - Big Brother

- Izou - Friendly Neighborhood Hairdresser

- Mihawk - English Teacher

- Perona - Fourth Year

- Kidd - Second Year

- Zoro - Second Year

- Nami - Second Year

- Koala - Second Year

- Vivi - First Year

- Two OCs

Their types will show themselves soon enough, and I will take suggestions. If you have a character you really want in here (or if you have a Yandere trope you want with a character already on the list) drop it here! I may not use all of them, but I will definitely look at all of them. You can also suggest more than one! Not all of them will be love interests either!

Happy reading!

Mine (Yandere!One Piece x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now