In Which All Hell Breaks Loose

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When I got there, the streets were empty and rain was pouring down from the dark clouds that littered the sky. I hurried to park the truck in an unassuming spot before stepping out in the casual clothes I grabbed before leaving. I didn't have time to grab my weapon, so here's to a peaceful exit.

The rain soaked my clothes as quickly as I stepped out, but I realized it wasn't rain. It was syrup. The sticky liquid coated my hair and skin as I walked to the meeting point behind the Chateau.

As I rounded the corner, I saw him.

I couldn't help but run and hug his familiar figure. His arms wrapped securely around me and he let out a sigh.

"Thank god you're here. I got found out by a lower member of the family. I took care of them, but it's only a matter of time before they find me."

"That's why I'm here. I just can't wait for you to be home," I mumbled into his chest.

Then I can talk to him about everything. He always knows what to do.

Gunshots rang out above us into the dark sky, shocking me out of our reunion. We silently decided to run back to the truck with brief nods. The run turned into a sprint as the shots got louder and more frequent.

"Beige is staging a coup!" Benn shouted.

"That dumbass! Doesn't he know she's got impenetrable skin?!"

"I guess he forgot that part!"

We sprinted through the sticky rain, slowly rounding the chateau. The tall cake shaped building was covered in guards running from the madness at the top. Small chunks of the building fell from the force of Big Mom's sharp screams, but nothing came too close.

Another piece of shrapnel fell in front of us as we came closer to the side of the building. A small, blue chest fell with it. I felt Benn's hand grip my shirt as he launched me off to the side.

I whipped around to yell at him when he mouthed something.

Then I blinked.

An earth quaking boom shook my senses as I stared at the spot my big brother was. Instead of his smiling face there was a burning plume, soot berating my face as I stood in shock. I glanced down to see one of his rings broken next to my boot. It was split cleanly, but burnt and red hot, making the syrup falling from the sky sizzle on its surface.

Or maybe it was the raging fire next to me making that noise.

I heard a cracking noise before I looked back to where Benn was standing. I looked around again, only to find what I assumed to be...

An arm.

His arm.

His arm, charred and black.

His... his arm he just used to pull me in with.

The one he always used to give me passing hugs.

His hand he always patted my head with to cheer me up.

He was not attached to that arm anymore.

I frantically looked around for any sign of him when I found something. There he was. But he wasn't moving. Or even recognizable. He wasn't-


I felt the scream rip through my throat before I recognized it. Heat still beat my face in waves as my legs gave out. My eyes couldn't pull away from his battered and burnt form. Fire was licking at his clothes as my hands hit the gravel.


Was that my voice? Was I yelling for him?


That was my voice, but I couldn't feel anything. Was my mouth moving?


My vision blurred and I suddenly felt everything at once. The sharp pains of the gravel stabbing my knees, the ache from the impact, the rocks in my palms, the ring digging into my shin, and the heat behind my eyes.

A slow tear dripped onto my cheek.

Then another.

And then they wouldn't stop.

"BENN! Benn! Benn! Benn..." It sunk in that he wouldn't hear me ever again. He couldn't hear me now. He was right there! He was right there a moment ago!


Suddenly, I was lifted and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Let me down! I need to get to my brother!" I yelled as I kicked at the stranger.

"The Chateau is gonna fall! I can't just leave you there!" they shouted back.

"No! Let me be with my brother!" I screamed before punching their kidney.

"AGH!" They dropped me harshly, running away. "Fine! Die for all I care!"

I crawled slowly back to where I was, mumbling, "I'm coming Benn, just be okay," over and over.

I made it to my spot, looking up at the slightly doused flames, able to see his riddled body.

"It's okay, I can get him help and he'll be fine," I mumbled to myself, slowly getting closer to the edge of the flames.

A sudden darkness covered the area as I dragged Benn's body out of the flames, barely feeling the them licking my skin. I looked up to see the cake themed building falling.

It was falling.

On us.

I let it sink in as I fell to my knees, pulling Benn into my arms.

If I die, at least I'll be with him.

More tears came to my eyes as I realized he was gone. My loving, sweet, big brother. He may have been a dick sometimes, but he was the one that took me in, the one that saved me over and over, the one that believed in me the whole way.

As the chateau got closer, it changed, but we were too close for that to save us. I closed my eyes and let out a breath. I kissed the charred forehead of my brother for the last time and gave a last thank you to my deities before the structure finally fell. Before the final impact, I let myself go.

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