A New Start

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"May my makeup be flawless, and may I have a good day. So it has always been, so it will continue," I mutter as I brush on my foundation. I pause while I look at myself, "Hmm, maybe testing out glamour magic on the first day of school isn't the best idea."

Turning to my brother who happened to be watching from the door, I ask for his opinion.

"You know I don't believe in all that, but if it makes you feel better about your first day then go for it," he reasoned.

"Benn, you know it works. You ask me to cleanse the house monthly," I deadpan. He shifted and scratched his cheek.

"That's different... I think... but that's besides the point. Has your attraction whatever even done anything?" He pointed to the little wooden bowl with dark red roses, rose quartz, cinnamon, and a red burned candle.

I sighed, "I made it last week, these things take time. And it's an attraction bowl. It's supposed to draw romance, but I hope it's like those stories I read," I giggle as I think about the shojou manga I was reading the other day. I was a little worried though, it was a new spell I made but I followed the meanings of the herbs so it shouldn't backfire.

"The crazy guy ones or the cherry blossom confession ones? There's a big difference there," he joked.

"Oh gods, I'd hope the cherry blossoms," I laugh.


After the short drive to Grand Line High, Benn gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and my lunch. He paused and looked at me with a little worry.

"Just be careful (Y/n), public school can be brutal. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, okay?" He ruffles my hair quickly before gripping the wheel of his truck again.

"Okay, mom," I joke, getting a glare. "I know, I'll be fine. Shanks is there after all, and he said he'd look out for me," I tease, knowing he doesn't trust that for a second.

"That's exactly why I want you be careful, dumbass," he sighed. "Alright, get out, don't wanna be late first day do you?"

With that I jumped out and before I ran in I sent him a wave and a smile so big my eyes almost closed, my uniform skirt swaying with the motions. I hurried through the doors and to the office, which happened to be right inside. I turned to the receptionist and realized I knew him.

"Hey (N/n)! Here's your papers and your combination," his deep voice quietly called out.

"Thanks Roci!" He nodded with a bashful smile. "I better get going, I'll talk to you later!" I hollered as I waved, rushing to my new locker.

555, nice! Angel numbers are always good!

I slid to a stop in front of the metal plaque and looked at the combination Roci scribbled out. 4-20-69. He did that on purpose, didn't he. I giggled lightly and quickly spun in the numbers.

The dial stuck slightly, but not too bad. Pulling the door open however was a workout. It was dented close to the side so it didn't fit right anymore, but enough elbow work broke it free. The whole row seemed to be a bit messed up to be honest.

The locker was empty but there was a note stuck in the slits of the door.

I know where you live...

Jk! I managed to get you in my Homeroom so just sit outside when you get here and I'll bring you in and introduce you. Hope your morning was good!


I laughed quietly as the halls started filling and I quickly grabbed the note, stuffing it in my pocket. I put all of my books except my Algebra book and my notebook since I won't be moving classrooms. Benn snatched my schedule from Shanks about a week ago so I took it upon myself to memorize all of my classes by heart.

Now I just need to find the classroom.


After about 15 minutes of searching and accidentally running into people, I found classroom 110. There was a chair next to the door so I plopped down and waited for the infamous red-head to make his appearance.

Quite a few students piled in through the door and barely gave me a glance, but soon enough he popped his head into view. His white button up was undone a bit and his hair was a little wild, per usual. His 5 o'clock shadow was showing, and he gave me a wide smile before speaking.

"(Y/n)-chan! It's been a while..." he trailed as he stared at my face.

Immediately, I brought my hand to my cheek. "Is there something on my face?"

"Huh? Oh! No, you're fine, I just haven't seen you is so long I forgot how pretty you were," he said with a wink.

"Dork, don't scare me! Anyway, Mr. Le Roux, let's get this over with," I joked. He nodded with a big smile and led me in.

I looked out over the class while Shanks put a hand on my shoulder. "Alright class, we have a new student! Her name is (Y/n) Beckmann," he introduced. He gave me a small pat to cue my self introduction.

"I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you! I hope we can get along!" I chimed with a smile.

He nodded and a final pat before going to his desk. "Go ahead and sit next to Diez." He turned to look at the section by the back window. "Drake? Raise your hand really quick so (Y/n) can find you." I looked over the class until I spotted a ginger with a little x-shaped scar on his chin raising his hand with a small blush.

I walked over and placed my books on the desk adjacent to his. He kept staring at me, so I introduced myself again.

"(Y/n), nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends!" I said quietly as Shanks began to speak.

"Alright guys! Let's have a good year with each other, and I know it's your last year before you get out of this place but you still need to do your best." He spun to the board and started writing out in big letters.

After High School Planning

"This period will mostly be focused on this stuff!" He exclaimed as he turned to face us again. "So right before winter break I'll be handing out worksheets for you to write out what you'll be aiming for, but don't worry if you haven't a clue what your plans are. I've got aptitude tests and school brochures out the ass-"

He froze and looked at the class with a guilty smile.

"You guys didn't hear that, okay?"

A/n~ I have a huge head cannon that Shanks tries really hard not to let his sailor's tongue run free in class, but when he does he just immediately goes "oh shit" and tells the students they heard nothing. Anyway!

It has begun muahahahaha~

Thanks for reading and giving this story a try! Have a great day/night!

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