The Dark Brings Out True Feelings

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I found myself sitting off to the side again, sipping on another cup of punch. My emotions were out of control as I thought about everything that had happened over the few days. I ended up questioning all of the feelings I had for the males in my life.

Shanks? Penguin? Sabo? Drake? All men I thought I had strictly viewed as friends. However, with the events of just the past day I felt confused beyond belief. Lost couldn't even begin to describe it.

Sabo was the one plaguing my mind currently. The faint brush of his lips on mine still tingled in my mind. Did he mean it? Or was it the low light and the song talking? Did he even think of me like that?

Gods, what am I? A bumbling teenager? Well, I guess I am...

A spotlight shone on the dance floor as the DJ took the mic. "Now, will the Homecoming Court please take to the floor?"

I let out a sigh as I stood, smoothing out my dress as I made sure I looked presentable. I stepped into the light as Vivi and Hendrix did, Ichiji following shortly. I forced a smile as I stood next to Hendrix.

"I haven't seen you on the dance floor much tonight, (Y/n)," Hendrix whispered next to me.

I sighed. "I've been busy."

"It's time! The Court dance has a request but before that, the Homecoming Prince has an announcement!" the DJ called.


Ichiji cleared his throat, stepping in front of me. "I have a question for you, your highness," he asked, tone lowering at the end for only me to hear.

What is even happening right now?

"Will you do me the honor," he announced as he got down on one knee, "of accepting this ring in honor of our relationship?" He pulled his hand out of his back pocket, revealing a beautiful ring. White metal holding three, smaller, oval rubies in a split band encrusted with small diamonds. The shape itself was simple, and something I could wear almost every day.

I stood stalk still for a moment, processing, before whispering, "What relationship? We were literally at each other's throats the other week."

"As friends, or lovers. Whatever you prefer, my Queen," he whispered back as his sunglasses slid down, revealing his ruby red eyes. The small, shaky smile on his lips showed me it was genuine.

I rolled my eyes, continuing in a whisper. "Then friends I guess, I don't know you well enough for anything else."

He chuckled lightly before whispering back again. "Fair, but could you, um, announce the 'yes' bit?"

"Oh shit! Yeah," I mumbled before clearing my throat. "It would be an honor, Ichiji," I announced with a small smile.

He smirked as he gently grabbed my right hand, slipping the ring onto my ring finger. It surprisingly fit almost perfectly. He brought the now jeweled finger to his lips and kissed it.

I felt a brief heat wave from my left, but didn't think much on it. My gaze, however, reflexively followed a quickly extending and retracting hand. I looked over to see Ace and Sabo physically restrained by Thatch's shadows and Luffy being held back by a stone faced Shanks.

In the name of Fate, I swear, what the hell is up with everyone tonight?

"I would also like to ask to break decorum and dance with the Queen herself, if you would have me," Ichiji requested, making my gaze return to him. A round of gasps filled the room as he awaited my answer.

"I don't see why not," I responded, keeping my hand in his as a slow song filtered in.

The DJ continued, "The song for this dance is It's You by Ali Gatie."

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