The Fine Art of Dancing Around the Truth

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Thatch POV

After (Y/n) had left class with Luffy, I went back over to their workspace to make sure it was clean. After living with him for years I knew well enough that he couldn't clean for the life of him. I was right to check since there was still residue of something and a pencil.

When I picked up the pencil and recognized it as (Y/n)'s. She always wrote with this one, and it was surprising that she had left it. I guess she really was spacing out all day.

I slipped it into my pocket before grabbing some cleaning supplies to finish wiping off the counter and the small portable stove. After everything was good and clean, I let out a sigh.

I guess I should go eat with Marco, it's been a while since we've hung out.

With that in mind, I locked up the classroom and made my way to the teachers' lounge. I felt a smile creep across my lips as I remembered last Thursday. She was so kind and her antics never seemed to bore me. I opened the door to find Mihawk also taking his lunch break, along with Dragon and Hancock. I gave them a short nod in greeting before grabbing my lunch.

"Thatch, do you have any tips on how to deal with (Y/n)?"

I turned to Mihawk and gave him an odd look. "(Y/n)? Why ask me?"

He shook his head and sighed. "I tried asking Shanks, but he started playing 21 questions over why I needed to know. Plus, she quite enjoys your class so I figured you might know."

"I mean, I don't really do much in all honesty. Just treat her as an equal rather than a student, and listen to her questions and concerns?" I suggested. "That might help, but why do you need to 'deal with her'?"

"She got a horrible grade, and it's not the first, so I'm having a talk with her. I just wanted to be prepared," he explained with a sigh.

"Don't you think treating a student as an equal is unprofessional?!" Hancock exclaimed.

I looked over at her mildly fuming form, immediately feeling sweat form on my temple. "Well, to a point I don't see a problem with it," I trailed nervously.

She scoffed and stood from her seat. "That's simply ridiculous! Students should know where they stand in the hierarchy!" she insisted.

I rolled my eyes. "Ah yes, and that's why you're carrying a homemade lunch to my baby brother right now."

"That is different! He's a growing boy and needs homemade lunches to fill him up!" She shoved past me as she walked out the door.

"Sure," I muttered under my breath. "Damn Cougar."

"You can say that again, but we don't have any hard evidence, not like Doflamingo would fire her for it anyway," Mihawk grumbled next to me. "Thank you for the advice, I'll keep it in mind."

I gave him a nod as I walked out in search of Marco. I passed the nearly flooded courtyard and finally made it to his classroom. When I opened the door I saw him staring at his phone almost lovingly.

"Good lord, did Cupid himself shoot you or something?" I joked as I walked in.

He jumped slightly, slamming his phone down. "I have no idea what you're talking about-yoi."

I laughed as I sat down in one of the desks. "C'mon Marco, y'know I'm not gonna judge! If anything I'm happy for you!" I assured him, letting my accent filter in.

He relaxed a bit before responding. "Ah, so the southern boy is coming out for this conversation-yoi. And says the one who's been extra excited to come to work lately! What's that about, huh-yoi?" he jeered.

Have I?

My hand found (Y/n)'s pencil in my pocket as I thought about it. "I guess I didn't notice. Have I?"

I looked back at him as his jaw dropped. "Oh my god, you're oblivious to your own feelings-yoi!" He laughed for a moment beforehand clarifying, "You're normally a grouch in the morning, especially when you have to teach Luffy, but all the sudden you've been smiling on those days-yoi."

My own eyes widened. A million thoughts rushed through before they settled on one person that I haven't really stopped thinking about for a while now.

"So you figured out who it was-yoi? Good, now spill!" he teased.

I gave him a knowing look. "You're just trying to divert the conversation, so I won't spill until you do," I deflected.

We sat in silence for a minute, him clearly debating on whether or not to tell me while I was figuring out how to answer his inbound questions about my crush.

Should I even call it a crush? I just really appreciate her being in my class! Yeah, and she's nice, and she's really good at cooking, and she doesn't interrogate me on my past career, but then again she might not know, but that's okay! And she keeps Luffy in line! She's a great person to have in class. That's it. Right? It's not like I want to take her on a date or something, at a nice restaurant outside with nice lights, she looked so beautiful in that dress-

"Earth to Thatch? You there-yoi?"

I came out of my thoughts, face beet red. "Yup, sorry, just trying to sort my thoughts," I trailed.

He gave me a look. "Sure, anyway, as I was saying, she's got the prettiest (h/l) hair and she's got a bit of bite to her, but she's still kind and cares for her friends. But she's a little younger so I don't know if I should say anything-yoi. Now it's your turn, tell me about this mystery person-yoi."

"I feel like I missed half of that, but she's a bit maternal, very sweet, makes amazing hangover cures, and not to mention loves to cook," I started.

He gave me a smile. "Sounds like a perfect match-yoi!"

I let out a quiet chuckle. "Yeah, but she's also a bit younger, so I don't know if she even thinks of me that way." I looked down. "That is if I even like her that way, I just barely figured out that I'm attracted to her, if you could even call it that."

He shook his head as I looked back at him, finally taking a bite of my sandwich. "That just sounds like denial, you should go for it-yoi. Subtlety is key with the younger ladies, but make sure she's comfortable-yoi."

I nodded as I swallowed. "I guess, but you're absolutely a hypocrite. If you think I should go for it, so should you," I pointed out.

"You have a point-yoi. Maybe I will," he chuckled.

A/n- Is this counted as a miscommunication trope?

Thatch Newgate - Unlocked!

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