Who is She?

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Ichiji POV

"Why do we even have to go to PE? Us of all people," Yonji complained.

"Shut up, Yonji." He had a point though. We were modified, pinnacles of science. There was no point in comparing us to regular people. It was like forcing kings among sheep.

We stepped into the gymnasium to meet eyes with the teacher. The one and only retired Revolutionary leader, Dragon. He was almost like a legend in the history books, but he let himself fall to teaching snotty teens that had nothing better to do.

"Oh? Is that our failure brother? Sitting all by himself, no less! Just like a loser should," chimed Niji with a sneer.

Yonji bursted into a fit of laughter. "Wait, where did all his loser friends go?" His loud voice echoed around, reaching everyone in the room.

As it should. Bow down peasants.

"Boys, you're a bit late, but hurry in line. We just started," Dragon boomed over Yonji. I rolled my eyes behind my shades as we walked up to the group. We still stood to the side as I caught a girl I'd never seen staring at us in awe.

I sent her a small smirk and she just furrowed her eyebrows. Mildly irked at her lack of reaction, I nudged Niji and barely turned in her direction. He got the picture quickly and looked over to see who I was motioning to. But it wasn't worth much since he just perved out at her.

Yonji wasn't any better. I didn't even need to point her out.

I sighed to myself as I heard the old man explaining that we were running laps first. I rolled my eyes again and went to the starting point. My brothers hurried behind me as the girl walked casually past us.

Sanji was immediately fawning over her, even offering to carry her across the finish line. Some green haired dolt ended up picking a fight with him over it so she just awkwardly excused herself to go talk with two ravens and a blond.

One of the ravens was practically on top of her, while the other was glaring in their general direction, and the blond was trying to get the small boy off. My eyes were about to start hurting if I rolled my eyes any harder.

Why is she so inherently annoying?

Everyone finally got in their places, and the old man signaled for us to go. Niji, Yonji, and I were in the lead, obviously. But then she started passing us again. I signaled for the other two to pick up the pace, and so did she. She wasn't even sweating.

I growled under my breath and sped up further.

So did she.

I went faster.

So did she.

I went even faster.

So. Did. She.

Finally I sprinted to the end, making her eat my dust. Unfortunately she got to the finish line before my two dumbass brothers. They were too busy staring at her ass to do anything else, after all. I scoffed and turned to the next runner ups.

Sanji was among them and wasn't paying attention to where he was running, favoring to stare at some of the girls in the class. I couldn't blame him though. The girls uniform of shorts and white t-shirts hid next to nothing on their physiques. I moved to the side with a small smirk.

As Sanji got closer I shifted to a slightly more relaxed position. And would you look at that! My foot just so happened to be right in front of where he was running, and down he went. The fool scrambled back to his feet and sent me a heavy glare before brushing the dirt off of his face. He looked away and to the middle of the room when Niji and Yonji stepped closer.

"How smooth, Sanji," I hissed, poking at him.

"Wow, truly a failure," Niji jeered.

"You gonna run to that old chef again? Hmm?" Yonji continued.

We all started laughing as a small squeak of a shoe interrupted. The next few seconds seemed to slow down.

That girl seemed to appear out of nowhere, her eyes covered in a shadow. Her fist was clenched tight at her side.

Then, she reeled it back, right in front of Yonji.

She swung in a tight ark.

In a flash, it connected to Yonji's cheek.

I expected her to whimper and shake her hand in pain. However, Yonji went flying back from the simple hook to the face by a nameless, normal girl like the rest of them.

I glanced at him and he was completely out knocked out with flushed cheeks. I turned back to her right as her foot connected with Niji, right in between the legs. He went down even faster, nearly foaming at the mouth but still as flushed at Yonji. My heart rate picked up, and I couldn't quite place this feeling.


The back of her hand swiftly connected with my cheek, forcing my head to the side and out of my confusion. She had slapped me. With a force I didn't think could come out of such a frame as hers. My glasses flew off my face and onto the ground, the lenses shattered from what I could see.

The sting made my eyes bleary, but I blinked away the salty liquid before it could fall. My first experience with real, true pain came from this (b/t) woman. And it was atrociously enticing.

"How fucking dare you." Her fist was shaking by her side in the corner of my vision.

"You pompous pricks that can't find anything better to do than pick on a guy who clearly doesn't want anything to do with you. I've had enough of watching you walk all over him," her enchanting voice seethed, raw with emotion. I made my eyes meet hers as my heart trembled again. "I'll put all of you in a ditch if I see that shit again, got it?" Her threat fell on deaf ears, but she didn't seem to care as she grabbed that failure's hand and walked away.

No, not fear. That was pure, unadulterated...


A/n~ The Vinsmokes are strange men, that's what I've decided... Anyway! Thank you for 2k! It's an insane milestone in my head and I'm so glad to be hitting it on this story so soon!

Who are you all rooting for?

Have an amazing day/night!

Vinsmoke Ichiji - Unlocked!

Vinsmoke Niji - Unlocked!

Vinsmoke Yonji - Unlocked!

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