Concerning Revelations

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Mihawk POV

Staying in my classroom never felt so awkward. (Y/n) was scheduled to come in at lunch, but Shanks insisted on staying as well. It was because he was currently her guardian; or so he said. So here we sat, directly across from each other, staring at an empty seat.

"Where is she?"

I turned towards him at the question. "She has Home Ec. before this, I wouldn't be too worried. She'll be here soon."

"If you say so," he grumbled, sinking deeper into his seat.

He's oddly attentive. Normally he's never on time, let alone early, and it's still about five minutes until Thatch's class gets out.

He pulled out a small trinket and fiddled with it as we waited. It was a painted wood sculpture of a (f/animal). I almost snickered at him for having something so childish when I noticed his gaze. He had the same look in his eyes as the day we joked about dating.

I decided to break the silence. "Is that from her?"


"From that girl you were talking to," I elaborated.

"Oh! Yeah, it is. We've known each other for a while so she gave me something from when we first met." He had a gentle smile on his face as he spoke about it. "We were both kinda young at the time, but I've always cared for her in one way or another."

I nodded, giving his a rare smile. "I'm glad you found someone, now you can bother her all of the time instead of me," I teased.

He let out a loud laugh and shook his head. "You cant get rid of me that easily, Hawk Eyes! Nice try, though."

I let out a small chuckle and looked down at (Y/n)'s recent assignments. She did amazingly on our unit about (f/b), but her grammar is definitely not the best. Not to mention how often she rushed through and missed simple things. I made a few notes and wrote down some questions to ask her when she came in.

Shanks let out a loud groan as he tilted his head back. "How long until she gets here?"

"She shouldn't be long, class just got out," I reassured.

He let out another groan and stood up. "I'm gonna go find her."

He left before I could stop him. I let out a heavy sigh and took a sip of my, unfortunately, now cold coffee. I looked down at her last test and something caught my eye. There were two odd doodles in the bottom corner. One looked like a C with a dot in the center with a T under it, and the other a U with a dot and two curved lines and a swirl attached on the left.

No shame in asking her about it. If it's cheating it's not working anyway.

The door opened with a low creak, making me look up. I was expecting Shanks but it was (Y/n) and the redhead was nowhere to be seen.

"Sorry I'm a little late, Mr. Dracule! Luffy made a mess in Mr. Thatch's classroom," she explained quickly. She sat down in front of me and placed her assignment that I passed back yesterday in front of me. It was fully revised with explanations.

"Did you happen to run into Shanks? He went to get you. And what's this?"

"No?" she trailed, but quickly moved onto her explanation. "My brother always said if you get a question wrong, fix it and explain it. Then it'll stick better in your head! It's worked pretty well so far, but I figured you'd like to discuss the assignment since that's what you called me in for."

I looked over it to find it perfectly explained. Granted it was in layman's terms, it was better than I explained it in class. "You said your brother taught you before this year?" I glanced up at her.

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