A Breif Amity

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Ichiji POV

I hurried after her, leaving Yonji to deal with Portgas's disrespect. I finally caught up to her as she opened the door to the courtyard. Her (h/c) hair glinted in the light and her bruised hand caught my eye. Without thinking I grabbed her arm.

She turned to me, startled and staring at me wide eyed. "Let me go."

I shook my head and moved my grip to her wrist, turning her hand to look at what was most likely caused by my hard skin. I ran a finger across the darkened skin that was meticulously lightened with concealer. It hid it well enough to not be noticed if just seen at a glance, but when it caught the light you could see the difference in tones.

"You're hurting me, let go Ichiji."

I snapped out of my daze when she called out to me. I looked up at her tense expression, realizing that I was holding her wrist in a tighter grip than I intended. I quickly let her go and cringed at the red marks I had left.

My eyes met the floor before I spoke. "My apologies, I was just concerned over your, um, bruises. Seems as they were caused by myself and my brothers." She looked at me in disbelief.

"What did you even come out here for? I told you I wanted to eat in peace, not talk about... whatever you want with me," she grumbled, gesturing to where I was standing.

I shifted and looked her in the eyes. "I never caught your name, and I would like to get to know you."

She sighed. "I never threw it. And I slapped you, why in the hell would I want to get to know you." She shook her head, her hair falling out of its style slightly. "Not to mention your brother, the green one, tripped me this morning. I oughta punch him again because he clearly didn't get the message." She turned and continued walking away, but I made no move to follow.

"If it'll get you off my back for today, my name is (Y/n)."

A genuine smile came to my lips as she began to pull the sweeping branches aside to go under the weeping willow at the center of the courtyard.

(Y/n). Such a wonderful name, fit for someone as amazing as her.

"Wait!" I didn't even realize it was me who shouted that after her.

She turned and sighed. "What now?" She looked disappointed, but thankfully not angry.

"Are you okay? That comment must have brought up some... not so good memories I'm assuming." I slowly walked up to her as I spoke so I wouldn't have to shout.

Her eyes widened before softening. I finally saw the clear (e/c) that decorated the iris, slightly glossed in the sunlight.

"I'm fine, I didn't even know her, but he deserved to be taken down a peg. He's just a dumb teenage boy after all." She laughed lightly, making my chest feel fuzzy. "You are too, I guess."

What is this? I feel like I should be mad at her, but I can't bring myself to.

"Anyway, thanks for worrying I guess. Now let me eat in peace," she chided as she disappeared behind the curtain of leaves.

"Is that what that feeling was? Worry?" I mumbled to myself as I walked back to the door.

A/n~ Short ass chap, but here ya go!

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