Good Job My Ass

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Kidd POV

I sat alone, drinking and waiting for Killer to park the car when my phone went off in my pocket. I groaned and reached for it as Hendrix walked in with the biggest smirk I've ever seen on his ugly mug. I know he was proud of getting close to (Y/n) but I didn't think much of it.

I glanced down at my phone and saw a text from Killer.

Killer: (Y/n) needs me, she's at the Halloween party and called me crying so I'll come pick you up later.

I sat up and texted him back.

Me: Let me know if she needs anything or if a shithead needs to disappear

I sighed and tapped my prosthetic fingers against the table as I downed the rest of my drink. The bartender handed me another before Hendrix called everyone's attention to the little stage in the corner.

"I have an important announcement!" He said with a smirk. He held up a pair of (f/c) lace underwear. "These are (Y/n) Beckmann's! Get on my fuckin level, losers!"

A chorus of cheers ran through the room as I scoffed. "To get on your level, I'd need a trip to the Marianas Trench and a pair of cinderblock shoes. Those clearly aren't hers, asshat."

"Oh but they are!" he shouted. "Got 'em at the Halloween party, so I say again, get on my level, Kiddo."

The little nickname irked me, but more importantly a few things clicked in my head.

Killer just said (Y/n) called him crying... from the party... He didn't...

As soon as I realized, pure rage boiled from a white hot pit in my stomach.


I stood so fast, my chair shattered against the floor, but I payed it no attention as I launched across the room to deck him in the face. He dogged at the last second, avoiding my fist and spinning away.

"I didn't realize she was yours man! After all, she's been hanging off so many men lately!" Hendrix joked, earning laughs from everyone else.

I grit my teeth before using my prosthetic to grab his shirt. "She isn't anyone's, you pretentious fuck. She's my friend." I got closer to his face, seeing the fear in his eyes.

"I- I didn't know," he mumbled as his sunglasses started slipping down.

I pushed them back up slowly and smiled. "Well then, now you know," I said lowly, uppercutting him so hard he barfed. "Never touch her again, got it, maggot." I turned to the rest of the crowd. "That goes for you fucked up bitches too! Touch her and you'll die!" I hollered.

A/n~ Another short ass chap, but I like it

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