New Girl Problems

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Nami POV

I glanced up from my phone at the sound of the door opening. A pretty girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair walked through and nervously glanced around the room before seeming to make eye contact with someone. She walked passed me and I caught a whiff of her perfume, and it was one of the nice ones. (F/sent) mixed with a soft musk.

Rich new girl? Hello!

I spun to see she who she made eye contact with and almost fell over. It was the captain of the football team, Drake Diez.

Maybe not hello...

She sat next to him and a smile actually fell on his lips and they quietly caught up. She got the most feared, stone faced, scary mother fucker of One Piece High, short of Eustass Kidd, to smile? That's got to be a miracle. There's nothing that makes him smile. It's the general consensus he probably wouldn't even react at a box of kittens.

Definitely hello, I'll get all kinds of second-had protection!

Then I noticed a few odd stares aimed at her. Pointedly from Sanji, which is normal since she's a girl, Penguin, again normal for the two pervs, and Sabo, which is almost unbelievable. Unless she did something wrong, then he might be looking for an opportunity to talk to her about it. But the longer I looked at Sabo and Penguin's faces the more I realized that it wasn't their usuals. It was almost like they couldn't look away.

She seemed oblivious as she chatted away with Drake, giggling occasionally. Probably at his odd use of words, since he speaks pretty formally for such a scary guy. I noticed a blush on his cheeks as he scratched his neck. Suddenly there was a nearly killing aura beside me, so I looked and saw Penguin practically planning someones death.

The hell did they do?!

I looked back down at my phone and prayed Perona or Vivi would show up soon.


The stares persisted through the majority of class and Perona agreed it wasn't normal. Vivi was still sat next to me like last year, so she leaned over to me and whispered.

"We should invite her to our group, I don't like her being alone in this situation." I nodded quickly as I stood up since we were given free time at the end of class.

First days are a blessing!

I stepped up to their desks, mildly freaked out by the confused and sad look Drake gave me. He shifted and looked down to his phone as I realized.

Omg! I interrupted his plan!

I quickly shifted my gaze back to the confused girl next to him, determined to do this fast so I wouldn't make him any more upset. I definitely didn't want to end up like his poor locker. "Hey! I'm Nami, and I was just wondering if you'd like to be friends," I started as her face brightened.

"Of course! I'm (Y/n)!" She reminded me of Luffy with her enthusiasm as she scribbled out her phone number on her notebook. She hastily ripped it out and handed it to me. "I don't keep my phone on me all the time, but that's my number so just text me it's you," she said nervously, grinning up at me.

"Sure! And my girl friends wanted to add you to the group, too. Is that okay?" She nodded. "Sweet! We have get togethers sometimes, so if we're texting or talking about one, feel free to join in," I reassured, knowing some people are a little more nervous about barging in on friends.

"Sounds great! I'll talk to you later then," she giggled while she glanced at the almost sulking Drake. I winked at her before walking back to Vivi and now Perona who was floating next to our desks.

Perona sighed. "I can't believe she made friends with such an un-cute guy."

"Perona!" Vivi chastised.

"Actually, he seemed pretty adorable when I was over there. He was pouting," I giggled.

"Omg, no way! Why?" Perona was getting closer by the second.

"Take a breath, Perona. It looked like he was trying to get her number so they could talk more. He seemed so shy about it too!" I squealed.

Vivi was shocked to say the least. "He was shy?!" she whisper-yelled.

I nodded quickly as I started texting Koala.

Me- OMG you will not believe who I just saw
Me- being all 👉👈🥺 no less
Koala Bear- ???
Koala Bear- Who?!
Me- X
Me- Drake
Me- Diez.
Koala Bear- OMG you're kidding
Me- Nope! Totally wish you were here to see it 😭

I looked over to see if he was still making the face, but instead he looked like he was in bliss as he held onto a small scrap of paper. Sabo stood and walked up to her desk with a kind smile, but as someone who knows him, he was ready to beat some ass.

Him too?!

Me- ...come get your kid pls
Me- I think he's about to start shit w Drake
Koala Bear- Good lord I leave him for 5 min istg

I glanced back up to update her but he was really smiling this time. I looked to (Y/n) to see her taking a selfie before typing in his phone. I chuckle before typing myself.

Me- Nvm! He was just jelly
Me- so he 1-upped Drake by getting her to put her number in herself
Koala Bear- Who is this she you speak of??
Me- The new girl
Me- Her name's (Y/n) and I'm adding her to the gc
Me- Super sweet too
Koala Bear- 🤨

I shook my head fondly before looking over at Penguin who looks like someone shot him. Was he jealous too? This girl gets around quick!

Perona was already plugging in (Y/n)'s number and Vivi was keeping an uneasy eye on Drake and Sabo.

"That isn't going to end well," was all she said before the bell rang.

A/n~ Double update! Thanks for reading and have a great day/night!

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