Who Did I Piss Off Now?

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I thought helping Sanji was a good idea. Maybe it was, but the consequences sure did suck.

My face met the floor pretty quickly today, almost as soon as I walked through the doors of the school actually. Looking up through my tear-blurred grimace I could see a very blurry green blob of hair. He surprisingly went to help me up, but I smacked his hand away.

He was the only one around and I felt a foot hit mine very clearly. Obviously he just wanted to see me fall again, right?

After brushing myself off I glanced back at his shocked face and walked further into the school. Getting shoved into a locker was also not on my To Do list, but that happened too. I glared over at the smug raven as he laughed his ass off as I nursed my now sore shoulder.

Today is not my day. Note to self, never skip morning intentions. Or maybe it's Karma for shoving my nose into other people's business.

I continued to coddle my shoulder as I walked up to my locker, glancing at the towering men that stood at the end of the row. "Hey Drake! And Killer, right?" He seemed surprised I knew his name, but he nodded nonetheless.

"What happened to your shoulder?" the ginger asked. I shrugged my good one and told him that it was just me running into stuff. Which isn't a total lie, I am, it's just being caused by someone pushing me.

I quickly grabbed my stuff for Homeroom as Killer seemed to watch me. I could have been wrong though since his hair thoroughly covered his eyes. I sighed as I stiffly shoved my door shut cringing lightly at the loud slam. I waited for Drake to grab his books and we walked off to Shanks' room.

He could immediately tell something was off but I brushed it off with an "I'm just a little tired," and he seemed to drop it for the moment.

This is no good (Y/n)! Smile! They want to see you struggle!


I hurried to lunch and was met with a red haired, sunglass wearing, pompous son of a bitch. He gave me a smirk and a demand as soon as he saw me. "You, you're eating with me today."

"I have a name, but since I don't care to know yours there's no point in telling you. I'm just here to say hello to someone and leaving so do bother your little 'squad' instead," I quickly rebutted with a sweet smile.

His face fell into confusion as I walked away. "Get back here!" he shouted after me as he followed my steps.

I ignored him as I sped to Perona and Koala, who were sat in a corner at a round table. "It looks like I'll have to take a rain check on our lunch, but we can hang out another time? I just wouldn't want him to ruin our hangout," I joked as I gestured to the still confused and speed walking red head, earning myself a worried look from both of them.

"Be careful (Y/n), that's Ichiji Vinsmoke! He's the son of a very powerful political figure!" Koala whisper shouted, ever informed as Editor in Chief of the school newspaper.

"Exactly! He's also been experimented on apparently, so you can guess how crazy he has to be! Rumor has it he didn't even cry when his mom passed!" Perona joined, also informed via her cute ghosts.

I shrugged. "Can't really do much about it now, I already backhanded him yesterday so..." I trailed. They both gasped in shock as they began sweating.

"Our sweet (Y/n) smacked a Vinsmoke?!" They yelled in sync. I giggled at their states.

"I'm not all butterflies and rainbows like people think, I'm just nice to people until they don't deserve it. And I hit all three of them." I waved back to their nearly passed out figures as I left the cafeteria, Ichiji still hot on my heels.

His boots were thudding in time with my classic black Converse through the halls, quickly joined by the squeaking of Ace's sneakers and another pair of heavy shoes. I grew increasingly irritated as I kept walking and they didn't go away.

After a moment, Ace spoke up. "What's this? Homeschool has two thirds of the Malfoy crew following her around now?" his cocky tone enunciated.

"Malfoy-? Shut the hell up Portgas, why are you even here?" A nasally voice spoke up, who I quickly realized was the green one from yesterday.

What deity did I piss off to have all three of these motherfuckers follow me when I want peace?!

"I just wanted to pay my favorite wimp a visit, is that so bad?" Ace chimed back.

"She's no wimp, she punched me hard enough to send me flying! You just don't seem to be worth her time, flame for brains," he nearly bragged. Why that was an accomplishment to him was beyond me.

"Would you both just shut up and leave, I would like to have a conversation with her," Ichiji's calm voice cut their argument off.

I rolled my eyes, deciding to comment, "Actually, how about you all leave. I don't want to talk to any of you at the moment since I need to do that whole thing called eating."

"Aww, were you looking forward to the lunch your mommy made you?" Ace sneered in a false sweet voice.

"My mom's dead, fuck-wit."

The silence was deafening and beautiful. I wasn't upset about the comment since I never even met her, but he didn't need to know that. I made my lunch myself anyway.

Maybe he'll be more conscious of how he speaks to people next time.


Unknowingly, she struck a cord with all three boys. They stopped in shock as she calmly walked away. The raven went to follow and apologize but his pride wouldn't allow him to move an inch, leaving him in his thoughts.

How could I have said something so stupid, just when I thought she enjoyed my teasing thanks to this green haired twerp, he thought.

The twins had a moment of surprise themselves. They would never admit it aloud but when they lost their mother, they wept in private for days. The fact that she may have gone through something as heartbreaking as that made a sort of sympathy fill their heart.

They couldn't name it yet, but they knew their stifled emotions formed something for her deep in them. Nothing good, but something that would destroy anything that hurt her.

A/n~ We love a good clap back, but also a part of (Y/n)'s backstory has been unlocked!

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