100 Times I Should Have Had a Therapist

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"Before I answer that, lass, were you left at South Blue Orphanage?" the towering man asks again.

"Yes... how did you know that?"

"Because you reminded me so much of your mother, Silvers (Y/n)."


"You knew my parents?" was all I could ask.

He let out a loud laugh. "Yes! To the point they named me the godfather! Call me Pops, my daughter."

I nodded in a daze before abruptly standing. "If you'll excuse me, I need some air."

I darted out of the room, B-lining for the front door. I heard footsteps behind me but ignored them as I hopped into the truck. I slammed the door shut and took a deep breath.

After a moment of silence for my poor sanity, I let out a scream. "FUCK! WHY TODAY? WHY AT ALL?! I MOVED PAST THIS SHIT!" I slammed my hands against the steering wheel, letting the horn honk for a moment before calming.

I glanced over at the door to the house to see Marco and Sabo shoving at each other but also looking at me in concern. I gave them a nervous smile before pulling out my phone. I hovered over Shanks' number for a moment before deciding to call Nami. The phone rang for a moment before she picked up.

"(Y/n)? Luffy said you were having dinner at his? Did he do something?! Do I need to come kick his ass?!" were the first words out of her mouth.

"No, I just figured- you know what, I don't know what I figured. Sorry, Luffy didn't do anything, I'm just- I don't know. I'll let you go, I'm sure you're busy."

"Wait! I'm just with Sanji and he's just as concerned. What's wrong?"

"Well, Luffy's Pops knows who my parents were."

She let it sink in for a moment before almost exploded. "HE JUST CASUALLY DROPPED THAT AT DINNER?! I OUGHTA SMACK HIM!" She growled to herself for a moment before pausing and asking gently, "Are you okay?"

I sighed. "Honestly? Not one bit. I kinda settled with the fact I'd know nothing about my birth family other than that my mother passed away and my father dumped me in the orphanage when things got hard. But now I have an opportunity to know and I don't like the option. I don't like even having it."

"I guess I don't understand that, but know we'll all support you with either decision you make. But, if I can ask, what is your maiden name?"

"Silvers. No clue what that is attached to, but-"

"SILVERS?! AS IN SILVERS RAYLEIGH?! Good god, girl. No wonder you're top of PE class," she joked.

"Wait. Silvers Rayleigh? Are you sure? The right hand of the most famous Mafioso, Gol D Roger?"

She hummed in the affirmative. "That's the only Silvers I can think of."

I quickly said goodbye, practically hanging up on her. I pulled up a web browser on my phone before typing in his name. Luckily his Wiki was the first link to load.

Silvers Rayleigh

Known as "Dark King" Rayleigh, the right hand of the infamous Gang King, Gold Roger. His execution was never publicized so there are rumors of him still being a free man, however the government claims to have captured all of the ring leaders of the Roger Gang in the weeks before the well known Louge Town Execution.

Many things are unknown about the elusive Dark King, but he has an individual kill count...

I stopped reading and shook my head, denying that this man was my father. I couldn't say much as an assassin, but to know it runs in the family hurt in a way. I felt tears start to pool.

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