How Dare You

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Yonji POV

As (Y/n) rounded the corner, we snapped out of our daze and I I turned to Ichiji. He nodded at my unspoken message to go after her and I took a deep breath. Slowly letting it out my fists clenched and I let my head droop.

This fucking bastard. How could he dredge up something so heartbreaking so easily. He needs to pay for that.

I let my rage take over, turning to his shaded face. That stupid hat blocked my view but I swung straight for where his face would have been. I landed a solid uppercut to his nose as I thought of her distressed face, delicate tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.

He staggered into the wall of the small hallway and locked onto me with his burning eyes. Blood dribbled out of his nose as he yelled, "The hell was that for?!"

"You piece of shit! How dare you hurt her like that!" I yelled as my fist landed across his cheek, making him fly a few feet to the side.

He grunted as he stood, brushing the blood from his now gushing nose on the back of his wrist. Without speaking he lit himself on fire and sent a fireball that covered all exits my way. I let out a chuckle as the bright flames tickled my skin. The most I felt was comfortably warm as I slipped out of the inferno, running at him.

A shin to his face snapped him out of his victorious thoughts and he burst into flames as he smashed against the white brick wall. He shook off his confusion as he leaned against the now singed wall and decided to clench his fist. He let loose a wild swing at my face. I dodged by moving my head to the right as I gripped his wrist, slowly cracking a few of the bones.

His knee hit my cheek and made me let go, staggering with a hand to my cheek.

He hits pretty hard... but I don't care. He hurt her.

I released my limiters, making the floor beneath me crack. I gripped his leg that was still in the air from his attempted follow-up kick.

"Try again, fucktard!"

My hand passed through the flames that replaced his form as I felt a blow to my stomach. My back slammed through the nearby window and hit the ground as all the air flew out of my lungs. After I coughed out the bile that came up, I ran back through the frame before my eyes could adjust to the blinding sun and at him again. This time, my grip landed and I swung him face first into the tiled floor.

"Thanks, I will," I joked, seeing him roll over with his face aflame.

He jumped up and grabbed my collar, slamming his fist to my nose. I heard a sickening crunch as my eyes began to water from the pain. Warm, thick blood trailed into my mouth as a smiled. The (h/c) haired girl's punch from yesterday flashed through my mind again as I shivered. I locked eyes with a now confused Portgas.

I took that moment to land a devastating hit to his stomach, making his bile spill over my arm. Gross.

My legs suddenly felt weak as Portgas fell to his knees. I glanced to the side to see an old man from another school, judging by the uniform he wore, walking down the hall with a fist raised.

"You two! Detention, now! And Ace! I raised you better than this!" he hollered from a few doors down.

Portgas coughed again before yelling back, "You didn't raise shit! You gave us to Dadan you damn geezer!" The old man walked up and punched his head nearly into the floor.

"Stop being ungrateful! I did what I could in the Marines! Now get both of your asses to Mr. Dragon's office!" He yelled, making my ears ring.

Shit! Why does he have to be so fucking loud? Damn my enhanced hearing.


Detention wasn't much, since all the ex-Revolutionary did was glare daggers at Portgas. The old man had come in with some emo to fix up our injuries and scold Portgas some more but that was about it. I slammed the door shut as I walked out, heading to the front before I was stopped by a hand on my arm. Without thinking, I swung my elbow back to be blocked by the person standing behind me.

I spun, ready to send a strong hook to their jaw when I saw Ichiji. "Oh, didn't see you there." He rolled his eyes behind his glasses and let go of my arm.

"You really are dumb. Keep your guard up next time. Anyway," he sighed, "(Y/n) is upset at you from this morning. Don't do it again, got it?" He threatened.

I groaned, remembering the glare in her eyes after I had tripped her when she came in today. "But she looked so hot when she was mad! Why can't I?" I whined.

Ichiji simply shook his head. "You can't get her to stay by our side like that, dumbass. Be nice, or I'll make you. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be nice."


A few sets of eyes watched the pair interact in irritation.

How dare those modified freaks try to get close to her! Her loving gaze was only for them, and they would gladly end anyone else who tried to take that from them.

Just because they stayed in the background they were losing her! Her eyes were elsewhere, on the two in front of them.

But their plans were fool proof, no way would she be anywhere but by their side in the end.

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