Fuck. My. Life.

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I was late.


I had two missed calls from Peng, ten from the red haired bastard that shall not be named, one from Kidd surprisingly, and a text from Ace. I ignored all of them as I scrambled to get dressed and sent a rushed text to Peng.

Me: Pls tell me im not late fr the tsts

Peng: 💀
Peng: No, I'll tell my hmrm teach that I gotta pick you up lol

Me: Thnk u so so so much, ilysm 😭

Peng: Love you too 😘

I let out a relieved sigh as I rushed through my routine and threw my hair (up/in a headband). I grabbed an oversized hoodie and poured my (coffee/tea/coco) from last night in the sink. I found a bagel in the pantry, not even bothering with toasting it before I stuffed it in my mouth while I haphazardly threw my pencil case and my notebooks in my bag.

I'm never doing this- ah, who am I kidding. This will definitely happen again.

I sighed in relief as I heard a honk in the driveway. I threw my bag over my shoulder and sprinted out of the door, almost falling backwards when I remembered to lock the door. I scrambled with the lock before rushing to Peng's passenger side and hopping in.

"Fucking hells, I'm so fucked," I whined quietly as I clicked the seatbelt in place.

I just heard him chuckle while the car rolled out of the driveway. "You're okay, Yome-chan. Tests don't start for another half-hour," Peng assured me.

I shook my head and looked at him from my slouched position. "No, you don't get it, I'm on two hours of sleep right now. That's worse than none! I'm gonna get there and I'm gonna see a wall of math equations and pass out!" I ranted as I turned back to the road. He pulled up to a stop sign as I continued. "Or worse yet, a wall of text from Mr. Dracule, he'd kill me if I slept through his test-"

Peng grabbed my face in his hand and made me look at him. "You're gonna be fine, Yome-chan. You're gonna go in there and kick ass, and then I'm gonna blow your back out over lunch, and then you're gonna kick even more ass, and then you're gonna get some damn sleep. 'Kay?" He punctuated his little pep-talk with a kiss to my forehead, glazing over the very horny bit in the middle there.


"Shhhhh, just go with it," he whispered as he kissed my forehead again with a smile on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Fine."


I managed to slide into class just before the bell, but after that was a blur. Algebra test. Running to my locker. English test, which was in fact a wall of text we had to fix. Running to my locker again. Then falling asleep on my locker. Then Ace gently waking me up and telling me to tell Mr. Thatch something I already forgot with heavy concern in his voice.

Now I was face first on mine and Luffy's workspace in Home Ec.

I whimpered quietly to myself at how bad I was going to fail these damn tests. I saw Luffy walk up out of the corner of my eye. He sat down and simply put his hand on my head before gently patting it. Well, as gentle as someone like Luffy could pat someone.

I groaned as I sat up, gently shaking off his hand. "Hey, Lu. Imma tell you right now, we might fail," I mumbled more to myself than him.

"Waddya mean?" he asked as he snuggled into his regular hug, pressing his face into my chest as I combed my hand through his hair. "You're an awesome cook, we're gonna pass easy!"

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