Study Buddies

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Sabo POV

(Y/n)- Okay, it's clean enough lol
(Y/n)- Cmon over study buddy!
Me- Ok 😊

I grabbed my Algebra and English books and shoved them in my book bag. Closing my room up, I walked down the hall passing a locked door. The key to that door jingled against my house and car keys in my pocket, but I resisted going in.

Ace walked out of his room as I stood frozen in front of it. "Hey, lover boy. You goin in or you just gonna stare at it?"

"Actually, neither. I'm going to (Y/n)'s house," I bragged. His eyes darkened for a moment before he smirked.

"I might stop by later then, just to fuck up whatever you're planning." His threats didn't mean much though, since I wasn't planning anything.

I just shrugged as I walked down the stairs.

He scoffed before pulling his own key out and walking into the room. Luffy was out with Marco on a mission for art supplies, so he wasn't in his usual spot on the couch. Our older brother has been burning through them again ever since he found his new muse. She seems super nice too, so I'm happy for him. He's never told us who she is though.

I hopped into my car and turned her on. I'd have to thank Thatch for pointing me to the older mustangs because the purr of the engine never failed to make me smile. I shifted into gear and headed out, blasting Me and Your Mama by Childish Gambino.

Time to go woo her with my smarts... hopefully.


Her house was in the opposite direction from the school of mine, so it took me a good 30 minutes, but it was worth it. I knocked on the darkly painted door and waited for a moment before her nearly glowing face was revealed.

She had her hair (up/pinned back), a cute tank top with a panda on it on, and shorts. Short shorts. I quickly brought my gaze back up to her eyes and smiled.

She brought me in, pulling me over to her living room. "I didn't realize you lived so far away, I would have suggested something closer to you!"

I scratched the back of my neck. "Oh, Ace just needed to talk to me about something, you aren't too far away actually," I lied smoothly.

I would drive hours just to see your face, but you don't need to know that.

"That's good then," she hummed. "So what should we start with?" She was always straight to the point, something I admired about her.

"How about Algebra, since English is just a few concepts and finishing the book," I suggested.

"Good plan!" She plopped down on the couch. I decided to be bold and sat directly in front of her, setting my stuff on the coffee table.

A few equations later and I was leaning between her knees. Unfortunately facing away, but I can live with simply being this close.

I sure got comfy with these thoughts fast. But she's intelligent and beautiful and funny and just so-


My eyes snapped open and I looked up. "Y-yeah?"

She giggled at my probably beet red face. "Just a few more and then we can take a break, I promise. What did you get for number 24?"

I looked down to see what I had scribbled out. "Uh, x=47? I think at least," I said with a shrug.

"How in the- I got 12!" I snickered before I felt her chest on my shoulders. "How did you do it?"

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