A Bad Feeling Turned Good

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Luffy POV

I sat at home playing video games with Ace when I got a bad feeling. I paused the game and checked my phone. Ace seemed to have the same idea since he checked his too. I had a few random notifications but nothing from (Y/n) or Sabo.

I looked up to Ace as he shook his head. "I have a bad feeling about them going to that party, but they haven't texted me about anything," he mumbled.

"Yeah. I just know something is wrong with Sunny." I looked at the clock to see it was almost midnight. "They should be home by now, too."


"Yo yo yo, if you don't shut your mouth-"

Ace's phone cut him off as it rang before he picked it up. "Sabo? What's up? Everything okay?" Ace asked.

"What do you mean? No, I haven't heard from her."

I nervously bounced my leg as I listened to Ace's side of the conversation.

"WHAT?!" I whipped my head to look at Ace as he nearly melted his phone. "You left her alone with a random girl you both had just met, and fucking Hendrix?!"

I bolted to my feet, biting my tongue so I didn't shout.

"And then he- What?" The venom in his voice made me stall for a second.

"What happened, Ace?"

"We'll be there in ten. Don't loose him." He hung up and looked at me. "Hendrix did something bad to (Y/n)."

I froze. "What did he do?"

"Sabo is guessing, but no matter what it is, it's not good. We need to go show him that it's not okay to touch what's ours."

I nodded and followed him to his car as he grabbed an axe from the tool shed. "What's that for?"

"Teaching. You can stay in the car if you want. It's not gonna be fun."

"No, I need to teach him too. Sunny is gonna be my Gang Queen so I need to defend her."

"What- you know what, we can talk about that later. Right now, Hendrix needs to pay for what he's done."

I nodded again and got in the car with Ace, looking at my phone as he pulled out of the garage. I checked my texts again and sighed when nothing new from Sunny appeared. I turned it off and leaned back, thinking.

Why didn't she text me if it was something bad? Does she not want me to think she's weak? I wouldn't dare, she's strong. But why not?

I could feel my head heating up as I groaned. "Why didn't she text me?" I whined.

"I don't know Luffy, why didn't she text the least subtle, worst secret keeper, about a potentially private and painful experience?"

I looked at him blankly. "That's why I'm asking you, I don't know."

He sighed and refocused on the road. "You aren't the best with keeping things quiet. She probably wants to keep her problems private for a while."

I nodded but I didn't get it.

I want her problems to be my problems. She's gonna be mine so her problems should be too.

I turned my phone back on and looked back through our last texts. They were from a week ago but they held me together for the moment.

Sunny- Hey Lu! Guess what?
Me- What?? I suck at guessing!
Sunny- Chicken butt!
Me- 🤣🤣
Sunny- No, but really, guess what!
Me- Uhhhhh you got an A on a math test? You're really smart!
Sunny- I did, but that's not it!
Me- Hmmm 🤔
Me- You got a new outfit?
Sunny- Nope! I got a free meal for two at the Baratie!
Me- Lucky!!!!
Sunny- You wanna go with me?
Me- Yes!!!!!
Sunny- It's a date then! Let's go soon!
Me- Okay! ❤️

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